Chapter 6

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After I'm better left I decided to take a nap before my mother and father barged in my room with my mother screaming axing if I'm okay a few minutes after my brother and sisters came in I reassured my mother that I was okay and they were keeping me for 24 hours for observation and that I did scans and everything seems to be fine but my mother insisted on talking to a doctor herself. After my parents went to find a doctor I began time my brother and sisters about the hot made student that was monitoring me .My brother gave me a cheeky smile finally "getting a girlfriend I hope "he says mate chillout I just said she was hot and technically she can't date me because I'm a patient so......"but you want to date her" he rebuttals .

Me(Lando)- I mean... I begin to say are sisters- he's blushing Lando-oh my God I'm not blushing .What's her name my brother (Oliver) asks

Me(Lando)-I only got her first name Amber

Oliver -Seriously bro, maybe I can ask one of the nurse before I could stop him Oliver ran out the room

My sisters began asking me to describe I smile Amber, well she has dark brown eyes, skin slightly darker than caramel she is pretty short oh and she has an accent .Oh she had mentioned she was Jamaican that's in the Caribbean I think .My sisters just stand there smiling at me "what" I ask

Flo( one of the sister)-Nothing its just been a while since you've shown interest in a girl

Me ( Lando ) -I've been busy you know being a racer is more work than you think and most girls I meet are Instagram models who only show me interest for fame .

Cisca (Other sister)-And you think this Amber girl is different

Me(Lando)- Yeah for crying out loud she thought I was a reckless car boy street racing and when I told her I race in Formula 1 she could not be less impressed and I don't know the fact that she is actually pursuing a career is hot

Flo- What make you think a girl who is studying to become a literal doctor would be interested in your dumbass *laughing*

Me(Lando)-Could shut the hell up

*Oliver enters the room*

Oliver- Her name is Amber Scott and I already found her Instagram

Me(Lando)-Are you serious??!!! send me her profile

Oliver-Well someone is a little excited *smirks* she is fit (meaning attractive)

I grab my phone and open Instagram going straight to her profile and click follow I watch her story noticing she's at the gym I decide to react to it with heart eyes. Scrolling through her profile I notice they are a few pictures and videos of her dirt biking .She just became instantly hotter .I was interrupted when my team engineer and Charlotte walk through the door. They asked if anything was wrong and told me that Bottas has a penalty for the next race." Good ,Tf did he think would happen going on the outside". After a few minutes everyone left and I was finally able to sleep my mind on Amber while drifting asleep


The picture is an old one of Lando and his siblings

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