part 1

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Hinata's pov

Today marks two years since I left Japan. I'm eighteen now so I decided it was time to face reality and stop running away from my problems. my dad has been kind enough to allow me to stay here with him but I'm technically an adult now and I don't want to keep feeling like a nuisance to him even tho he assures me I'm no bother, I cant help but feel that way. I mean I don't do anything other than go to school, come home and eat all the food he buys and stay in my room. And now that I've graduated I decided it was time to go back to Japan and start my adulthood by going to collage. I mean the only reason I even left was because I didn't know how to cope with them having romantic feelings for me. I mean what if I decided to reciprocate those feelings and later on they decide they no longer like me and they break my heart. I just couldn't let that happen so I ran away, they probably all hate me or have forgotten all me about me by now.

But that doesn't matter now anyways because their probably all living their best lives so I'll just have to do the same. I told my dad that I will be going to collage in Tokyo and he was very supportive of my decision and even offered to take me to the airport and pay for my ticket. I, of course, excepted because I'm broke as fuck and literally the only reason I can even go to college is that I was lucky enough to get a scholarship. So I was very grateful for his offer. A week past and it was now Friday, they day of my flight. He took me to the airport where we bid our goodbye's and went our separate ways.

I dreaded the flight back because how fucking long it was going to be. The flight was a whole 14 hours and 50 minutes, like what the actual fuck the jetlag I'm going to have after this is going to be a pain in the ass... and not the good kind. After I finally got through the slow ass security I finally boarded the plane and took my seat. Fortunately my flight was at 8:00pm so it was already dark and I basically fell asleep as soon as I sat down.

Narrator pov

As Hinata sat comfortably in his seat and drifted off into a dreamless sleep. Unbeknownst to him, his old friends that he thinks probably forgot him and have gone their separate ways actually never stopped thinking about the short ginger since he left and every night before they went to bed they would pray that they would see him again. They even made a pact with each other to always stay friends and attend the same college to stay close and also that if they ever saw the little red head that they all had fallen so deeply in lovey with, they would never let him go again and they would punish him for leaving them and make sure he never does it again. And luckily for them they would be seeing him very soon.

14 hours later

Hinata had woken up from his slumber 8 hours into the flight and was too restless to go back to bed so he decided to just watch youtube on his phone to past time. Now there was only 50 minutes left on his flight and he was starting to get excited because he had made plans to stop by in his old town and visit his mom and little sister who still lived there. he decided to surprise them so they had no idea he was on his way there.

50 minutes had now passed and Hinata was exiting the plane. he had a horrible headache, he was also really hungry and wanted nothing more than to sleep. After he got all is luggage he exited the doors of the airport and was instantly hit with the nostalgia of being home. He flagged down and cab and was finally on his way home. It was currently 12:00 pm on a Saturday in New York and 1:00 am on a Monday in Japan. Shoyo had left America on Friday at 8:00 pm but there is a 13 hour time difference between both places with Japan being ahead of America in terms of time.

So he would have to disturb his mom and sister who were most likely sleeping at this time. He paid the driver, exited the cab and grabbed his stuff. he walked up to his childhood home and stared at the door for like 10 minutes before chickening out of knocking and decided to leave his stuff on the porch and go for a walk around his old neighbourhood. He ended up walking past his old highschool, Karasuno High. He started to reminisce about all the great times he had there. He then started walking to the doors of the school gym, and got deja vu about how he would race his old friend Kageyama to volleyball practice every morning on the very path he was walking on now. he walked up to the gym doors and thought heard noises from the inside so he pressed his ears to the door to hear better.

Yamaguchi's Pov

Kageyama, Tsuki and I were visiting the gym one more time before we go off to collage. We all wanted to say one final goodbye to the court because we were gonna miss it, although Tsuki pretends it's meaningless and just a stupid gym, I knew he would miss it too. We had a few drinks, played some music, and enjoyed each other's presence. We were really close even Tsuki and kags started referring to each other as friends, even though they still tease each other and would never admit that they loved hanging out together. We graduated yesterday and had a lot of fun together. But there was something missing, Him I could never truly feel happy unless I get him back. We were supposed to graduate and go to collage together, It's not complete without him, why did he have to leave us... leave me. I miss him so much his smell, soft skin, beautiful orange hair and his big brown eyes that I could get lost in. When we cross paths again ill make sure he never leaves again. "What are you thinking about?" Tsuki asks while sitting down next to me on the bench. I got startled by the sudden voice of someone else and get pulled out of my thoughts. "Oh ah nothing" I replied defensively not wanting to bring up the topic of the boy all three of us had fallen for who left us heartbroken.

Tsuki noticed my defensiveness and sighed "you were thinking about him weren't you?" I nodded my head in defeat, I should of known I couldn't lie to him. we've known each other for so long that he could read me like a book and I, him. I suddenly felt the presence of someone else on the other side of me, It was Kageyama " don't worry yams, we'll find him and when we do he won't get away again" he said giving me a reassuring smile and a pat on my shoulder I smiled at the thought. I started thinking about the things I'd do when I had him in my grasp again, how I'd punish him for the pain he put me through and how he would look under me out of breath with my marks over his perfect body and his beautiful tears running down his cute little face.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard a loud sound coming from the gym door. We all looked at each other making sure we all hear it. I then got up to go check what it was while Tsuki protested saying I was wasting my time and it was probably nothing, I ignored him and continued walking to the door. When I got there I opened it and looked at the dark outside only lit with streetlights. "I told you it was nothing," Tsuki said from behind me. I hummed in response still scanning the area. Then I saw something in my peripheral vison that caught my attention. I turned my gaze towards it and my eyes widened when I saw them, no him It was him I'm sure of it. It was him I saw him he was running away again I saw Hinata!!!!

Hi so this is my first book and if you chose to read it can you give feedback constructive of course but do you think I should continue it 🤔? Or drop it and never try to write a story again and stick to reading🥲?

Anyways thanks for reading if you did bye😘

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