part 6

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Hinata's POV

Everything felt tense as I answered the phone. "hello" I said in a flat tone. "Hey, shoyo how's everything did you get to the school yet?" Jason said in a happy and excited tone. He was very loud and despite being on a regular call you could still hear whatever was being said. "I'm fine and yeah I made it. What about you?" I said. "I'm ok but I miss you" he retorted. I sighed and half smiled "I miss you too, but I promise to visit whenever I can" he gave me a hearty chuckle "I'm holding you to that" there was a comfortable silence when I remembered I was at the table with everyone. "listen umm I gotta go but I'll text you later, k?" "ok sho just make sure we keep in contact" I nodded at his words before realizing he couldn't even see me. "Yea, say hi to Cass for me, bye" I removed the phone from my ear and hung up the phone.

I looked up to see everyone staring at me with dark eyes. "Who was that?" suga was the first to speak. I looked over at him only to see his sweet smile was now gone and his cheery tone was replaced with a bone-chilling one. "A friend I made while I was in America," I said in a shaky voice. There was an awkward silence so loud you could hear a pin drop and a dark atmosphere that sent shivers down my spine. I could almost feel goose bumps rising on my skin, but why, why was I so scared. I was pulled out of my thoughts when someone finally broke the silence. "is it a boy?" Bokuto asked but the tone of his voice was unlike I've ever heard from him his usual hyper demeanor seemed so dark and cold, It made me want to run away and hide from him. "Um Y-yeah, he was the first friend made there actually," I say smiling awkwardly and rubbing the nape of my neck.

"hm" was all I got as a reply before everything went quiet again I felt as if I needed to get away from them so I tried to find an excuse to leave the table. "Um I'm gonna go unpack my stuff and settle in," I say standing up slowly. "ok we'll see you later tho right?" Atsumu was the first to reply "of course" I say with a big toothy smile before practically sprinting out of the cafeteria.

Narrator pov

After Hinata had left Kuroo was the first to say something "He has a lot of nerve showing up out of nowhere and trying to run away after at that" "If he thinks he's off the hook that easily he has another thing coming" Akaashi spoke in his usual monotone voice "hm maybe fucking him senseless would be a good punishment, let him know who he belongs to" oikawa spoke who had been very quiet up until this point which was very unusual for him "All in due time shittykawa, for now, we have to let him get comfortable, give him a false sense of trust"

"Iwa is right, we need to get him to trust us and then we can move on from there" Sakusa retorted "How long is that gonna take I want to take him now" Atsumu whined only to receive a smack to the back of his head by his twin "If we start showing our true colors he'll just take off again you saw how he crumbled under our aura a second ago" "He's right if we act now we risk losing him again and we just got him back so, for now, the punishment will have to wait we'll just have to keep being friendly and keep a close eye on him," suga said in a stoic voice, the facade he had when Shoyo was there had been long gone.

"hm so the plan, for now, is to just watch him and get rid of any possible threats until the time is right?" Tanaka asked trying to keep up. "yep it may take a while so I need you all to be patient, I've already gone through his schedule and made sure he has at least one of us in each of his classes," Akaashi said joining the conversation.

"If we play our cards right by the end of the school year he'll be as obedient as a puppy," Tendo said enthusiastically getting oh so excited just thinking about how fun it would be when they finally have Hinata all to themselves. They have been planning this for a while now, their innocent high school crush had turned into something dark and sinister and Hinata leaving only made it worse.

How could he have done that to them. living without him was torture and finding out the only reason he left was to run away from them not to mention his attempts to avoid them ever since he got back. All they wanted was for him to love and accept them but if he wasn't going to do it himself they'll just have to force him no matter how many people they would have to get rid of or how many punishments he'd have to endure they WILL make him love them and by the end of it they'd have broken him to the point of no return. He will depend on them and only them, and he'd do ANYTHING they asked him to like the good pet he is.

Oh, how they had longed for this moment after two years of waiting their love had finally returned to them, and completely and utterly unaware of the storm he was willingly walking into. Before he left they had no idea just how dependent that had become on his mere presence. They soon realized that it wasn't a little crush they had but it was in fact love, they loved and adored him so much and he just... left.

They were mad with anger after he left they vowed that once had returned to them they would NEVER let him go again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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