part 2

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Tsukishima's Pov

Tadashi seemed to be focused on the outside, it was really weird. I looked at the king to see if he knew what was going on at all but he just looked at me and shrugged. Suddenly out of nowhere, I hear Tadashi gasp loudly then he just took off running. I obviously followed him but he was running so fast. When I finally caught up to him I was already out of breath.

Soon the king caught up to us and asked why we took off like that. But Yams just rubbed the nape of his neck and said he thought he saw something. He was obviously hiding something but I decided to just ask about it later. We ended up going back to the gym to clean up and calling it a night after that. But as we were all walking home I couldn't help but notice how weird and awkward Tadashi was acting. I have to find out what he saw to make him act like this.

Hinata's Pov

As I was listening to the noises coming from the gym I quickly noticed how familiar they sounded. I needed to know If my suspicion was true or if my mind was playing tricks on me. I slowly opened the gym door careful not to make noise. And what I saw completely shocked me, It was them, they were drinking and dancing and... having fun. As I was admiring them I accidentally lost the grip I had on the door and It slammed shut In my face. I heard Yams say he was going to check what the sound I made was. So quickly took off running as fast as I could and hoped I could get away before he got to the door.

As I was about to reach the end of the street, in the corner of my eye I saw the light from the now open gym door and Yams in front of it. I prayed he didn't see me but it became clear that he did when he started running after me. I quickly turned the corner and hopped the fence into someone's backyard, falling into the bushes. I soon heard them on the other side of the wall, I held my breath in an attempt to not make any noise.

I heard Yams apologize to them for running off without a warning and saying he just thought he saw somthing. They all walked away back in the direction of the gym. I let out a breath and thanked God for not letting them find me. I hopped back to the other side of the fence and put my hood over my head. I started walking with my head down, soon my stomach started to grumble so I decided to get something to eat. I walked to my old volleyball coach's convenience store. As I stood in front of it I had a rush of memories flood my mind. All the time when Daichi treats the team to meet buns. I miss them so much but I would be such a shitty person if I just try to insert myself back into their lives after what I did. I looked up at the store and noticed the open sign I was surprised to see that it was still open after two whole years. I then took a deep breath and walked in.

Ukai's Pov

I was stocking shelves when I heard the sound of the little bell that rang every time someone opens the door. I stopped what I was doing to tend to them, "hello how can I he-" I cut myself when I turned around and saw, "HINATA?!!!". I walked around still in shock, when I was face to face with him I noticed him staring at the ground in shame. I engulfed him into a hug and whispered "I missed you kid, you have no idea how worried I was about you" He hesitantly hugged back. We stood there for what felt like hours, suddenly the door to the stoage closet oppend. "Hey babe did yo-", "HINATA?!!". The sudden sound startled us and we pulled apart to look at the source of the sound.

We were now facing the door and realized it was just Takeda. I walked over to him and kissed his forehead and put my hand over his shoulder. Hinata looked at use dumbfounded. He finally spoke, "Oh my god, oh my god OH MY GOD!!!!" he said jumping up and down with excitement. "Calm down kid" I said trying to get him to stop. "How can I calm down, you guys are together!!!!. I always knew there was something going on between you two" He said. I rolled my eyes, then suddenly Takeda got out of my grasp and practically sprinted to Hinata and forcing him into a big hug. Hinata chuckled and said he missed him too while hugging him back.

We caught up with each other and had a few laughs. "So kid why did you leave training camp so abruptly?, I almost lost my job because you basically went missing" I said handing him a meat bun. He suddenly looked down at the table in shame, It was obvious that it was a touchy subject for him so I decided not to push him. "Hey, you don't have to explain it to me if your not ready" I said putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder. He gave me a half-smile and said thanks in a low tone. "No problem kid". He then checked his phone and got up, stretching and yawning in the process. "I have to go now, but lets do this again yea?" He said pulling his wallet out of his pocket. "Of course Hinata, come by anytime," Takeda said, snaking his arm around my neck. "Yeah we would love the company, and don't worry about paying, Its on the house." He looked up at me, "You sure?". "of course kid, don't worry about it" he said ok and put his money back in his wallet. He put his jacket back on and zipped it up, putting his hood over his head, and gave me and Takeda both a hug and left.

Narrator's Pov

Hinata walked out of the store with a huge smile on his face. He was so happy he got to see Ukai and Takeda again and it made him happy to know that they had gotten married too. He was also happy that he wasn't hungry anymore and that he didn't have to spend any of his money too. It was 7:30 in the morning now and he had stayed out all night. He was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to sleep. He walked all the way back to his old house. When he finally got there he rang the doorbell, no longer feeling scared because of how tired he was.

His mother opened the door and was obviously very excited to see her son. Soon Hinata, his mom and Natsu his younger sister all caught up with each other. He told them his plans to go to college in Tokyo and how he will be starting school in a few days. They were very happy for him and excited that he would be staying with them for a while because they missed him so much. After Hinata caught up with his family he went upstairs to his old bedroom to take a well-deserved nap. He basically fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. He had drifted off into another dreamless sleep. Not knowing what was in store for him in the very near future.

So we meet again- A Hinata Harem storyWhere stories live. Discover now