part 5

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Hinata's POV

My eyes widened and my mouth fell agape in pure shock. They were standing in front of me all of them. That's when I remembered how we used to talk about all applying for the same colleges in hopes of not losing contact with each other. I mentally face palmed, how could I have been this stupid going to the same college we planned to. Nishinoya and Tanaka ran to me and engulfed me in a big hug. I was still too shocked to register what was happening. I snapped out of it and when they finally put me down I instantly took off running.

I ran as fast as I could leaving all my stuff and everyone flabbergasted. I soon heard quick footsteps behind me. I instantly shut my eyes tightly, praying that they weren't behind me. I then opened my eyes and looked back only to see Kageyama, bokuto, kuroo, kenma, and oikawa hot on my tail. I took a sharp turn down another hall only to run into a hard surface.

I instantly fell to the floor only to look up to see ushijima and aone looking down at me with everyone else behind them. I wish the ground would just swallow me up. I instantly stood up and turned to run the other way only to be met by kagayama and the others. I was now cornered with nowhere to go and wanted to just burst into tears. I started to panic when I was drawn into a suffocating hug. Ushijima then picked me up throwing me over his shoulder and started walking back to the cafe as everyone followed closely behind.

I was now sitting in between kenma and suna at a cafeteria table. everyone stared at me waiting for me to explain everything, but I just couldn't bring myself to talk. "where have you been dumbass and why did you try to run away from us earlier" I looked at the source of the voice only to see kagayama looking at me with an angry expression plastered on his face. I looked down in shame.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I finally spoke, "I'm sorry" I said not being able to bring myself to look anyone in the eyes. "you're sorry, that's rich we've been worried about you for two years and all you can do is say you're sorry?!" tsukishima scoffed. tears started to pour from my eyes as a lump built up in my throat. They deserved an explanation it's the least I could do.

I took a deep breath and told them everything. why I left, what happened at the school and the cafe everything. We sat in awkward silence for what felt like hours. finally, someone spoke "we forgive you shoyo" kenma said wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him." but we can never forget he said darkly as he plunged a large knife into my back.

nahh im just fucking with yall.

"Just promise you won't leave again," he said in a pleading voice. I silently nodded and buried my face deeper into his neck. Suddenly I was roughly pulled away from Kenma by an angry-looking suna. Kenma glared at him and he glared back and I just sat there wondering if this was all because they still liked me. My suspicions were soon confirmed after I started to notice how they were all acting. I decided to play dumb for now to avoid drama.

we sat and talked and soon the awkward atmosphere from before had been replaced with a lighter one. It felt like old times and I was enjoying everything when I remembered that I left my stuff and didn't get my room key. I instantly got up from my seat grabbing everyone's attention in the process as I was about to take off my arm was harshly pulled back. Suga was now griping my arm he spoke in a sickenly sweet tone "where are you going?." I was scared his eyes had darkened and despite the glee in his voice there was the slightest bit of underlying aggression

My eyes narrowed and my brows furrowed at him."I forgot about my stuff I need to go get them" I said in a small voice. He smiled widely at me and his grip on my arm loosened. "Oh that's ok Akashi can go get them I'm sure he won't mind," he said in the same condescending tone from before. we looked at Akashi for a response. "yea sure I can go get you your stuff Hinata don't worry about it." He said standing up from his seat.

"But my room key" I retorted "I can deal with that too," he said leaving the table. I reluctantly sat down deep in thought about what had just happened. The cheery atmosphere had darkened and I started to feel like a rabbit surrounded by hungry lions. I got super uncomfortable suna and karma were rubbing each of my thighs under the table and everyone was staring at me with hungry eyes as I ate.

Akaashi finally returned and informed me that I would be sharing a room with himself, kenma and suga. I gave him a confused look, I could've sworn I was supposed to share a room with three other people but I just shrugged it off. "ok but um, where my stuff?" I said noticing he came back with nothing. "oh don't worry there already in our room." he said in a matter-of-fact tone. I didn't know what to say so just went back to eating. A few minutes passed when my phone rang I looked at the caller id to see the name "Jason" I sighed answering the call, the table instantly went eerily quiet.

So we meet again- A Hinata Harem storyWhere stories live. Discover now