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Your POV
It was around 2pm at night and you were waiting for Hawks to get off patrol. He's works from 8am to 3pm. You knew it was important for him to be doing his job and saving life's, but apart of you wanted to tell him to take a few days off to hang out with you. You looked at the clock which said 2:20pm.

"This is taking forever" you said.

Time felt like it was frozen. You didn't know what to do to pass the time, so you turned on the tv in the living room and started watching a movie on Netflix. After awhile you looked at the clock and it said 3:10pm.

"Where is that dumb bird?" You thought.

As soon as you thought that the door creaked open.

"Y/n? Shouldn't you be asleep?"

You turned your head fast and was relived. You got up and ran over to hug him.

"Hawks! Welcome home." You let go of the hug and held his hand.

"Aw did you miss me, kid?" He laughed.

"Barley." You said. It was obviously a lie, you were itching for him to get home. He knew that. You wanted to tell him how you felt about his petrol schedule. Usually you would be asleep around 10 and would wake up the same time hawks did, at 7. Which meant you would only see him a hour a day. It bugged you that you couldn't be spending as much time as you wanted with him. You didn't wanna say anything but lately you felt distant.

"Actually, I did miss you. A lot." You said as you let go of his hand.

"Well I missed you too baby bird. Is something bothering you?" He said puzzled.

"Well.." You wanted to tell him. You felt that maybe he would get mad thinking that you didn't care for his job or role as a hero. You knew how much being a hero meant to him.

"Look, I actually kinda need to talk to you..about your hero patrol."

"What do you mean?" He said.

"Well, don't you think things have been a little..distant? Like maybe we haven't been seeing each other as much? Kegio, I know that being a hero is extremely important to you but I really need you to be here sometimes." You looked down to the floor thinking he would be mad or disappointed.

He looked at you for a second until he responded.

"I understand" He said, as he tilts your head up to his.

"You do?"

"Of course. I miss you just as much as you miss me feather. I'll try my best tomorrow to get my schedule moved around. I promise we will have more time with each other." He said then kissed you.

You felt butterflies thinking that he really did feel the same. You felt safe and warm with him. After that you both went to your bedroom and got ready for bed. In the morning he went to work the same time, but when night rolled around you started to get ready for bed at 10 and heard the door open. It was hawks. He really did switch his schedule around for you. Made it so you both can spend more time with each other and he even got more days off then he had before. You both put on a movie and made popcorn until you both fell asleep in each others arms.

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