landing, the second winds of paradise¹⁶

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OR, a new promise, a familiar man, and the last island

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OR, a new promise, a familiar man, and the last island

The blue sky was quite beautiful in all honesty-it always has been anyway, but it was extra beautiful right now. Like something straight out of a painting, with clear sun and misty clouds, to the seagulls flapping their wings and the sound of the waves.

Then, whilst admiring the scenery laid out before you, you inhaled. And exhaled.

"What the fuck?"

Because what else is there to say when you've been swallowed up by a whale?

- ❐ -

It was only a few a minutes ago, just several minutes ago, you were still sailing around the Reverse Mountain-not inside a whale, mind you.

As the rain continues to pour overhead, you're sitted on top the main mast's yard, having rolled up the sails after the storm was too heavy properly sail in.

The Reverse Mountain was so near you're about to piss your pants off.

Not the piss your pants off because you're so terrified, no, it was more like piss your pants off because holy shit this is really happening.

Slowly, this information processes inside your tiny little head that's way too tired for all the things that have happened in your life, and surely enough, you came to a solid conclusion.

Holy shit, it is happening.

"Heh," you leave yourself breathless, chuckling as a wind blow past your cheeks. Your gloved hand reaches up to fix your damp hair, as the other grips the yard.

"I never thought..."

Your eyes are trained ahead, to where the grey skies lay and the thunders roar, yet it is as if you're seeing something else. Something even farther beyond that.

The ship suddenly jerks to the side-but you're ready to brace for the impact when you were still seated after the initial shock.

Though... You sweatdropped and snorted, deciding to do both, as your crewmates from the cabin below takes panicking to the next level.

"The wind is picking up..." You murmur, a thunder flashes, and your feet lands with a loud thump as you jumped down from the yard. "The current is, too..."

Nami's shriek almost bursts your eardrums if it weren't for the buffeting storm, and soon Usopp's own followed after hers. Then a lot of screaming from Sanji and laughter from Luffy.

"You guys might wanna come out and see this!" You break their little bubble by yelling over as another wave crashed against Merry's sides.

The door of the cabin slams open and out comes the rest of the crew in a heated argument, all yelling about the course of the ship and what action they should take. They could die, after all.

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