"Reality is often cruel to those who dream, as how the seas, too, are often cruel to those who call themselves pirates."
A seasoned merchant of the New World drifts in the weakest sea of all, and finds a dream in the form of Luffy, adventures, and p...
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OR, welcome home, Zoro
Whatever Mihawk had planned for the very cool looking floating restaurant, it was safe to say it was not going to happen.
Maybe it was the fact that both of you came across a ship with a sheep of all animals as its figurehead steered by a crying ginger-head on the way to the restaurant, or maybe it was the fact that as soon as you had arrived, a beaten-down galleon welcomes you with open arms and a literally ripped open deck.
Or maybe, maybe, it was the bad decision of accompanying a man that tried to kill you. Just a maybe.
At least he let you sit on his chair. That's something.
Luffy's straw hat on your head doesn't give the sun a chance to shine on your face, hidden in the casted shadows as you lazily draped yourself over the chair. Mihawk stands on the bow of the boat, facing the worn-out galleon from behind with one hand raising his sword. You could barely see the outline of the restaurant around the edges-
he swipes his arm to the side, a graceful motion that contrasted its deadly effects. The galleon goes down in chunks.
-nevermind. You could see the restaurant perfectly now.
You whistle, as shouts from the other side reach your ears, and eyed his handiwork. "Was that necessary?"
He shrugs, putting his sword away, "it was in our way."
"Imagine the cost of repairs..." You leaned on your gloved hand. He keeps standing on the bow of the ship, obscuring your view of the front and the destroyed galleon.
"They could swim. It might do them some good."
You sweatdrop, "so mean."
The boat sails undisturbed by the strong waves caused by the galleon being cut up and sinking so suddenly, the candles still lit with those strange green flames only Mihawk knows how to do, and floats near the floating restaurant.
"That man..!"
"Don Krieg! It's him!"
"The man who destroyed our fleet!"
"He followed us here...to kill us!"
Debris floats everywhere, several even bigger than Mihawk's boat but it doesn't detter anyone on the coffin boat; including you. If anything, you're enjoying the show.
You chuckled, crossing your legs. "You seem kinda famous."
"I sure hope so, otherwise my title as a warlord doesn't amount to much."