god, my toes¹

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OR, child of the seas, who are you looking for?

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OR, child of the seas, who are you looking for?

You know that feeling when you're looking for something but forgot what you were looking for?

More specifically, that feeling you get when, after years of sailing with no destination in the Grand Line but with only a simple goal of finding dreams, you find that dream when you weren't even looking for it?

Because that is precisely what you're feeling right now.

You take a sip of your diluted rum.

...and to think you were just burning ships a couple of days ago.

- ❐ -


After you've set a peculiarly shaped object down against the walls of the lowest deck, you've scrambled far enough to ensure your hearing's survivability. It doesn't wobble over thankfully, or else it would end much, much worse.


The people in the holding cells dived to huddle in the corner farthest away from the object, just as you've instructed them to do so, and their seastone cuffed hands covered their ears. You mentally pat yourself in the back for thinking to crush the chains that linked them together earlier.


Your grin gets wider, and wider, as the spark of the multiple sets of dynamites strapped together to make one giant dynamite almost nears the blasting caps.

Like what you always say, when things never quite go well for both you and your opponents, the bigger, the better-


-the explosion rocked the ship violently, and even as the hull is obliterated to bits and pieces with fire starting to spread around the sharp edges, your feet stay planted as flames started to lick your ankles.

You could practically taste the confusion on the decks above as they all ran around screaming and yelling. You began to cackle like someone who's just suddenly had access to the world's information, and if the need ever arises, can be used as blackmail.

. . .

Not like you knew anything about that.

Burning ships will never get old, truthfully. It is one of your favourite past-times, if not building the very explosive itself. And that was something, especially if you've been doing this for practically your whole life.

"Hehe..." The people inside the holding cells look at you more strangely than before, which was actually a feat in itself. You wipe a tear away from your eyes.

You slid one of your hands from your gloves to tap the cell bars several times. It's not seastone thankfully and was instead a simple plain old rusty-looking ass cell bars.

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