Chapter 2 : New school

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As i was sitting in my room watching The disastrous life of Saiki K Untill i heard my dad knocking on the door "Can i enter sweety"  He said "Come on in!" I replied as i stopped the show.

He came in and sat on my bed and said : "honey.. i was thinking ans i think you should start school sooner than later so that you can keep up with the others, and i already paid for the whole year of a school near by. It's called : Bellingey ST private school. It's kind of known here so i hope you make bew friends ( not like last year )" he said with a lower voice." Daddd!" I said while he went out of the room.

I kind of wish i had more time to rest, as my last year was a disaster, i didn't make any friends or relation ship and i got bullied almost everyday by some homophobic bitches as if i was gonna date them or whatever. I wish the new school wouldn't be like the old one.

I also came out as lesbian at the age of 11 when i dated my bsf Lelsie then i came out as genderfluid 2 years ago.


The Monday came and i woke up at the voice of my dad AGAIN arguing with one of our maids, i guess it was because she touched his books. Anyway i stood up and went to my wardrobe, i was about to choose a fit until i saw a uniform there with a note that said : " Hi Melanie this is dad, this is the new uniform of your school i forgot to tell you that, hope you have a nice day xx" " So sweet of him!!" I thought. Then i wore it and it looked like that :

Cute not gonna lie, but the skirt is kind of short so i decided to add a black long socks to feel comfortable

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Cute not gonna lie, but the skirt is kind of short so i decided to add a black long socks to feel comfortable. Then i styled my haur down and i headed to the school with my dad.

It was a huge school, it was so big that i thought if i get lost i wouild die.. Anyway i went in, and i was more surprised. It was so  fancy and chic. I asked one of the girls there where's the principal office and i went into it. I knocked and heard the voice of an old lady telling me to enter.

I went in and saw a huge room, even bigger than the classrooms. It was full of books and a big table in the middle of it. I sat down and she said " hello, are you miss Martinez" " yes I am, can i please know my class?" I said then she replied with "of course, it's class A22 in the second floor. Have a nice day ma'm" the she said as i nooded and got out.

Then i heard people cheering then a hot long girl passes by she looked so cute, she had short pink gold hair, and she was shaiped liek a doll she was wearing a cheerleader dress wich menat she was in the cheerleader team. I think she could be the cheerleader leader. I don't want to fall at her because everyone seem like.

Anyway i went to my class and entered. And at my surprose she was in my class. I went there and found a empty chair. I sat next to this girl. She was so beautiful.. Uhh am i falling for everyone? "Heyy i heard you're the new girl. Your quite cute tho. Anyway i am Leslie. Leslie Bredgin." " Leslie bredgin.. i don't know where i heard that name.. anyway my name is Melanie. Melanie Martinez, n8ce to meet you." I said.

" Melanieee Oh my god! Melanie you don't remember me ! " She said " Oh my god we used to go to school together as kids.. remember we even dated for a couple of months, before i had to go to london with my mum!!! Oh my god i miss you a lottt" I hugged her and replied " Oh my god i knew i heard that name !!! I miss you a lot too!!!" Befor ethat we can keep chatting, the teacher entered.

" Hello class, i hope you had a great weekend. As we all know, we have a new student today, So Miss Martinez can you please introduce your self to the class" I want to die can someone pls kill me asap!!! Everyone is looking at me as i stood up "Hello everyone my name is Melanie Martinez, i am 16 years old, i came from LA to start a new life, here in London. Please take care of me" I said without hesitation.

I passed these classes then other 2 classes.

Then i passed this class and 2 others. Then it's time for lunch. I was looking for a table then i heard leslie calling for me "Eyy pu$$y head come over here, sit with us!" She said. Pu$$y head??? I thought wtf is that name.. Anyway i went to her table. She was sitting with a boy. "Hello, i am melanie, Leslie is that your boyfriend?" I said while i watched her dying with laughter "boyfriend? Nah that's my bsf Felix!" "Heyy Gurl, My Name is felix, and this b!tch right here could never be my girlfriend, she is a lesbian biatch i am pansexual ;)" He said then we kept chit chatting...

Thank you for reading !! Thw 2rd chapter will be coming today night !! Now it's 4pm

I hope you liked that chapter don't forget to tell me your opinion at the comment and please rate this story xx

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⏰ آخر تحديث: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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