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Taehyung likes his part-time job, he has the best boss one could wish for. As a college student, he can't complain. Taehyung gets to work in a museum where he gains experience in the field he wants to pursue. Becoming a curator of art at the national gallery as soon as he has his master of arts, is what he hopes for.

The thing is, the salary is usually more than enough, but it's Christmas time and therefore it isn't anymore for at least two months. He has to buy gifts for his parents, his siblings and also for a few of his friends. Last year, Taehyung promised himself that he would start his shopping tour earlier, around September or even August, so as not to spend too much money in November and December. Of course he totally forgot about it. Now the only question left is, who of his two best friends, Jimin and Hoseok (the annoyingly adorable couple), will get the reindeer socks or the Santa Claus tie. He has also bought a pair of cute couple cups for his brother Namjoon and his boyfriend Yoongi, because last year they had received a similar necktie and socks. He knows that even though they'll complain about the gifts, they're gonna love them just as much. Not to mention they're no better than him! Last year he got a paper rose from Hoseok, a party hat from Jimin; at least it was the correct new year written on it. The other both put their money together to buy him a week's worth of ramyun.

While Taehyung was in deep thoughts, a familiar scent reached his nose. "Mhm," he inhales deeply, savoring the smell to make sure it's gonna stay there for a while. Cinnamon, orange, vanilla and different herbs are a clear indicator of his favorite holiday season of all; Christmas.

Taehyung looks at the small bakery where he knows the addicting smell is coming from and is astonished. Just yesterday, the shop was only subtly decorated. A few fairy lights carelessly thrown over the bush in the front and a snowman with fake snow in the window display was all that was there. Today there's quiet Christmas themed music playing, which could faintly be heard outside as well. Also a big plastic tree with red and yellow lights, a few perfectly color-coordinated Christmas ornaments in between bows, decorative gift packages, tiny candy canes and many other things that people hang on such a tree for the holidays light up the window. Cookies, in different colors, give the fake snow a colorful touch and one is even stuck in the snowman's mouth; Taehyung's not sure if there was an opening before. Mister Kim, the owner, surely must have a creative soul.

Only now, he's noticing the many people inside and outside the bakery. A long queue has formed and he can't see the end of it.
Taehyung debates if he should come back tomorrow, but there must be a reason why it's packed and his curiosity gets the best of him, as so often. Getting closer, he sees a large sign in the corner of the window, half covered by a woman's petite body. He clears his throat, gaining her attention.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She moves a little to the other side with a smile. "It's only free for engaged couples," she informs. A blush begins to adore her soft cheeks, before she whispers to him: "My man proposed an hour ago, because I was sad that we couldn't use this opportunity. After three years of dating, it was time, don't you think so too?" With a wink she leans back to create some distance between them.

Taehyung chuckles. "Definitely. I'm also engaged. Actually, I'm looking for him, but this could take a while." Seeing the amount of people, he sighs. Taehyung didn't know what else to say, to be honest. This person is a stranger, a foreigner who's apparently going to marry a Korean man. Her Korean isn't perfect yet, but he could understand most of what she said. She's gorgeous.

"You should hurry. I've heard from people who came out after getting a taste, that it's the best they've ever had." She wanted to say more, but her fiancé nudged her to make a move forward. "Bye, and good luck!" With a fist thrown up in the air, and a determined "fighting", she disappeared behind the wall of the entrance.

What now? Taehyung doesn't have a fiancé. There's no way he's gonna miss this opportunity, though. Just the smell of the cookies and the hot chocolate causes him to salivate. Maybe... maybe between all those couples, there's someone who's also alone. He just has to take a closer look. Taehyung knows that he needs to be careful, has only one try to convince a potential fake fiancé to play along by using his charm and nonexistent mind control skills.

His eyes rake over the many couples, one by one, and then he sees him. A tall guy, probably around the same age as Taehyung himself. He's handsome, alone and if the missing ring on his ring finger is an indication of him not being engaged or even married, then it's worth a try.

But Taehyung's hesitant, suddenly not feeling confident anymore. The guy looks incredibly good. He can't be single, but what if he is? Should he just go for it or search for someone else?

The decision is taken away as their eyes meet and the handsome boy is furrowing his brows. He was busy with his phone while Taehyung was secretly, but probably not so secretly checking him out. Now that he's been caught, he needs to act fast.

"Babe, finally found you!" Taehyung is trying to tell the guy through his eyes to play along. In his mind he's chanting 'please don't embarrass me'. On his short way to get close to him, he pulls one of his many identical looking rings off. "I brought your ring, babe. You accidentally forgot it this morning at home. I'm not used to wearing it either." With a sheepish smile, Taehyung looks down, takes the dumbfounded boy's left hand to slip the ring onto his finger. He clears his throat while entwining his hand. His grip is a little tight, just to make sure the hot stranger won't pull away.

To Taehyung's relief, there wasn't even a hint of resistance, however, what came next was rather unexpected. He would have expected a slap or anything similar dramatic. If this guy wasn't even gay and there's at least one person who knows him, then Taehyung just fucked it up for him. He should have thought of it beforehand.

Fortunately, nothing like this was the case, because: "Sweetheart, I didn't forget. I wanted you to come so we can use this free cookie tasting, but I wanted it to be a surprise for you." The young man smiles sweetly and Taehyung can feel his own heart beating faster.

Wow, his smile is adorable and the corners of his eyes crinkle and wait... his nose scrunched for a few seconds. Taehyung can't stop staring at him.

"Honey, I know you love me and want to kiss me, but we should catch up with the queue. Also, let's not get touchy in front of all these people here." The guy leans in, so only Taehyung can hear what he has to say next. "Name's Jeongguk, you have a lot of explaining to do as soon as we're inside, love."

Taehyung nods, gulping nervously. He didn't think that through at all. He just wanted free sweets, hot chocolate and, and, and maybe a cake and definitely cookies, yes, all of this.

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