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Taehyung can't wait for Sunday to come. After he spent the entire Saturday with his best friend, Jimin, a more calm day is very appreciated. The older pulled him through several shops, only to go back to the first, where he saw a cute bag, perfect for his boyfriend. Taehyung almost threw a tantrum, but he should have known better, that's why he just sighed and bought a little something for Jeongguk as well.

Standing now on d-day in front of the full body mirror, Taehyung isn't sure what to wear. Jeongguk had messaged him two hours earlier, that he's going to fetch him at six o'clock. Of course he replied with his address and a short 'I'm excited, see u later, babe,' with a winking smiley.

After changing at least three times, Taehyung is now satisfied with his outfit. It's simple, but also not. He's wearing a patterned shirt with black, wide pants. Classy and expensive, fitting for every situation. They won't go to an amusement park, since it's winter, but there's a Christmas themed park near where he lives. Maybe Jeongguk is planning on going there.

The closer it gets to six o'clock, the more nervous Taehyung becomes. Little does he know that Jeongguk is as nervous as him.

The younger sits in his car for almost half an hour, waiting for the minutes to pass. He was too early, but didn't want to ring the bell or text him yet. He himself dislikes it when people are too early if they have plans. Jeongguk plays a game on his phone to kill time and almost misses when he should go. Fortunately, he set an alarm which saved his ass. After opening the door, the cold wind hits and he regrets wearing leather pants. The fabric doesn't keep him warm, but he knows that he looks hot in them, so it's definitely worth it.

With a shaking hand, he searches for the name on the display. "Kim, so many Kims." Jeongguk squints to find the one with the 'TH' behind the family name. Finally, in the last row, the name he's looking for appears. A quick press of the button and then he waits.

Taehyung hears the bell, checks himself one more time in the smaller mirror by the door and smiles, satisfied. His locks look fluffy and the jacket fits perfectly with the rest of his attire. He lives on the first floor and doesn't take long to arrive at the exit. Through the glass doors, he can already see the boy who looks at his phone, probably to check the time or see if he received a message from him.

The smile Taehyung wears grows. Jeongguk is even more handsome than he remembers. How can he be so lucky? With a smooth move, he opens the door and greets the younger. "Honey, nice to see you again." They still didn't stop with the pet names.

"Darling, hi." Jeongguk chuckles, but gets surprised by the sudden hug Taehyung pulls him into. "Woah, I'm excited to see you too."

Then they just look at one another, taking in the appearance of the other. Jeongguk is wearing a leather jacket, leather pants which don't leave much to the imagination and a white shirt. One word: Hot.

Taehyung feels the need to bite onto his bottom lip to express his feelings. He wants to do things to him, things he can't say out loud yet. Instead, he swallows it down and shows his bent arm. "Let's go?"

Jeongguk holds onto his biceps and nods. "With pleasure. Aren't you curious about where I'm gonna take you?"

With a hum and a finger on his chin, Taehyung thinks for a moment. "If it's with you, I'm sure it's gonna be amazing, no matter where you take me." He mentally pats himself on the back for his smart answer.

Jeongguk laughs. "Smooth, sweetheart, really smooth."

As expected, both are having the time of their lives. They went to the Christmas park. The whole atmosphere was very romantic, different themes displayed with many colorful fairy lights and the music soft and fitting this season perfectly.

Even though they didn't kiss, holding hands was enough to make it the perfect first date. Both decided to take it slow, but they definitely want to try a relationship.

When they're standing in front of Taehyung's apartment complex, Jeongguk asks the important question. "So, boyfriends?"

Taehyung was waiting for this moment, has planned it in his head and now it's time to make it real. He leans in, slowly, to give Jeongguk enough time to turn his head. He doesn't, and Taehyung knows that he wants it too. Their lips meet and it's different from the last time they kissed. The privacy around them, the silence and the night sky create a more romantic atmosphere than in the bakery.

Jeongguk pulls Taehyung closer by his hips, causing their bodies to touch. A content sigh into the older's mouth makes them part, but only enough to connect their foreheads.

"If this isn't enough of an answer, yes, boyfriends." Taehyung gives him a quick peck, then another and before he can lean back, Jeongguk holds him in place with a palm on his neck.

The kiss becomes a little heated. They talked about it, and even though Taehyung would love to invite his boyfriend over for more, he knows that it's too early. With a gentle push to Jeongguk's chest, to signal him that he wants to stop, a tiny distance between their mouths appears. Taehyung lets out a shaky breath. "God, I love kissing you, but I should go up to my apartment."

Jeongguk pouts, lower lip slightly pushed forward. "I know. Text me, or no, I'm gonna text you when I get home. Gonna miss you, baby." He can't help it. Taehyung's lips are addicting. A last, long peck is all he needs for them to say good night.

Jeongguk takes a step back, hands sliding down from Taehyung's neck over his shoulder and arms, until they reach his hands. He takes another step but doesn't let go.

Taehyung chuckles, looking deeply into the younger's eyes and entwines their fingers with a gentle squeeze. "Is it too early for us to move in together?"

"Probably." Jeongguk grins, squeezing back a little more than the other, then lets go of his hands. "Good night, love. Sleep well and think of me."

"Always, good night, honey." Taehyung knows they're cheesy, but he doesn't care. He has never felt such a connection with someone before. It really feels like they have known one another their whole life.

It takes two weeks until they can meet again, but they facetime each other every day. Taehyung is busy with work and college and Jeongguk helps Seokjin out in his bakery. As a freelancer it's easier to get a little free time.

The couple goes on dates every weekend as the holidays begin. They always say goodbye at the doorstep to prevent more from happening. It's hard sometimes, because they kiss a lot and cuddle most of the time. Of course the want for more grows.

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