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Hello dear rocker and/or metalhead!
Welcome to the jungle!
*clears throat*
I mean...this wonderful book about rock and metal music!

Here you will find
• Lots of memes because you can't live without them (admit it!)
• Spam chapters with pictures of 40+-year-old guys when they were young because yes
• Games so we can have fun!

This is pretty much a book inspired by iwasborntorockyou 's Rock N' Roll Games and flufflyduff 's Duff N' Bones. So if you like rock music I highly recommend both this books because they are awesome (just like their authors!)

Also since this book is the sequel of my Rock Bands Memes, there are a few things you should know before reading
• I love underrated music that 1% of people like so don't jugde my weird taste sometimes 🤷🏻‍♀️
• I am OBSESSED with symphonic and power metal so prepare yourself for a lot of fangirling over bands you may not know 🤩😁
• I hate today's mainstream pop music so if you are a pop fan, I recommend you leave now, since you may feel offended later on this book
• In Rock Bands Meme I had started doing this "Nightwish fun fact" thing where I am saying something about this band that I find interesting so don't wonder what this is all about if you see it in the end of some chapter

I wish you enjoy this book and have fun ♥️

Let's fangirl together!!!

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