~The End~

25 4 7

Dam it

But well well how have you all being doing?

I have decided to officially (because you knew this was going to happen already) end this book since I don't seem to keep up an update schedule anyway. I 'm really sorry. It's just... although I still love them, I realized that rock and metal aren't my number one fandom anymore. It's been such a pleasure posting memes, though, and it's thanks to those kind of books that I got to meet most of you. I 'm really sorry for the messy update schedule in the end but also thanks a lot for reading!!

I 'll be honest with you though: there's a slight possibility that the memes will return. But it's a really small one ngl-

Also that's completely random but did you know that Nightwish has officially announced Jukka Koskinen to be their new bassist?

Goodbye and thanks for reading again ❤️

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