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Jimin easily caught up with the other, grabbing his arm to let him know he hadn't left him. 

''Don't run so fast! I don't know your name so I can't search for you when I will lose you.'' Jimin says firmly, concern hearable in his voice, making Yoongi realize the younger was serious. 

''Sorry.'' Yoongi says. 

''It's okay, I just-'' 

''Just what?'' Yoongi asks curiously. Turning his body around to face the other. 

''I know we just had a couple of shots and we probably won't be seeing each other after this party, but-'' 

''But?'' Yoongi interrupts the other again. Jimin chuckles at the elder's behavior. 

''But, I really like to be near you. It has been a long time since I have laughed so genuine and freely with someone else.'' Jimin says with a red face, lowering his gaze while nervously fidgeting with the sleeves of his blouse. 

''You are flattering me.'' Yoongi says while scratching his head, doing his ultimate best to prevent his face from becoming a tomato again.

Jimin looks into the elder's eyes, quickly averting his gaze again and taking a step back, afraid he said too much and too fast. ''Hey...'' Yoongi starts, taking a step closer to the silver haired man.

''I don't send cat memes to many people, but I think you would be one of them.'' 

Jimin looks confused, did he just? 

''Did you just say you liked me in a very unusual way?''

''Uhh-'' In a flash Yoongi ran to the nearest toilet cubicle. He locked the door behind him and slapped himself on the head for saying something so incredibly stupid.

''Hey...'' Yoongi hears the younger man's voice say.

''You are cute, you know that?'' 

''No.'' Yoongi responds flatly. Yoongi hears the other laughing. ''Why are you laughing ?'' Yoongi asks while pouting, leaning his head against the door.

''You make me happy.'' Jimin says loud enough for the other to hear him. Leaning his head on Yoongi's cubicle door. The both of them smiled widely and the both of them failed miserably at suppressing their faces from getting red.

Their little romantic atmosphere was abruptly interrupted by a phone call. The sound of Jimin's ringing phone bringing the two men back to reality. 

Jimin coughed loudly before taking his phone out of his pocket. ''I need to take this!'' Jimin shouted, before he took a couple of steps back and stood in the corner of the rest room. 


''PARK JIMIN, WHERE ARE YOU?'' Jimin fastly brought his phone away from his ear. He accidentally pressed the speaker icon and his mistake had almost cost him his hearing because of how loud his manager screamed through the device. 

''Jesus, Tae, calm your tits will you?'' 


''TAE DON'T SCREAM.'' Jimin screamed back on the phone. 

Taehyung hearably took a deep breath at the other line before speaking again. ''Jimin, where are you? I thought you were dancing.'' 

''Yeah, I was.'' 

''Okay... So where are you now?'' 

''I am in the restroom.'' 

''Restroom? Alright, I will be there in a bit, wait for me there.'' 

''NO!'' Jimin says a little too loud.

Silence was heard from the other side, when Taehyung cleared his throat. 

''Are you. Perhaps. Doing something there. In the restroom. With someone?'' Taehyung whispers into the mic. 

Jimin quickly looks at the cubicle the elder is in. ''No. No, there is no need to come, I was just freshening up and will return to the dancefloor in a bit, I will see you there okay?'' Jimin hopes he convinced Taehyung to not come to the restroom, to search for him. He really wanted to have some more time with the other. 

''Please use protection son.'' His manager jokes, before he hangs up. 

Jimin shakes his head and looks at himself in the mirror. Laughing at himself, when he sees how dumb he is smiling after Taehyung's comment.

Yoongi's pov 

''Riiing.'' The ringtone of a cell phone made Yoongi wake up from his trance. Quickly he lifted up his head. After hearing his voice Yoongi learns it is the phone of the silver haired boy.

He hears the younger say that he has to answer it and notices the footsteps fading away from his cubicle. 

''JIMIN.'' He hears a lower voice shout through the phone. ''Jimin?'' Yoongi thinks by himself. 

''Jimin?'' He starts to repeat the name again and again and again, trying to remember why this name feel familiar with him. After slapping his cheeks a couple of times to sober himself up he stops chanting the name in his head and his eyes widen in shock. ''JIMIN??!'' He shouts in his head.

''You have to be fucking kidding me.'' Yoongi curses under his breath. ''The Park Jimin? Oh hell no. This can't be true.'' Yoongi leans in and places his ear against the door, only for him to hear the name to be spoken again by the person on the other line of the phone.

''If he really is that brat, I have to get out of here.'' Yoongi decides. He gently unlocks the cubicle and tip-toed his way out of the restroom. 

Fortunately the younger was facing the other way so he didn't notice the black-haired man sneaking out.


Hii, thank you for reading! :)

Sorry for the short chapter by the way :/

Is Yoongi really going to leave Jimin like that??

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(NOTE: This story is already cross-posted on twitter under username jiminssi030 )

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