°˖✧◝ 9 ◜✧˖°

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''I will explain myself, so just listen okay?'' 

 ''Here? We can talk somewhere quieter?'' Yoongi looks like he is thinking about it. ''No, here is fine.''Jimin nods, ''But we should at least dance, otherwise I will feel kind of awkward here between all these dancing bodies.''

Yoongi looks like he is hesitating, but ultimately he comes closer and wraps his arms around Jimin's waist, startling the younger by doing so. Nevertheless, Jimin throws his own arms around Yoongi's neck. ''Better?'' Yoongi says.

Their faces are so close, Jimin can almost feel the rapper's warm breath on his face. ''Hmm.'' Jimin mumbles, before he starts to sway his hips to the rhythm of the music. 

''Now, tell me.''

Yoongi looks at Jimin, taking in and admiring every feature of his face. From his beautiful brown eyes, to his pink plump lips. Yoongi wants to hit himself for not seeing Jimin's beauty earlier.

"I didn't know you would accept to dance with me so easily." Yoongi let's a smirk form on his face. Although he has acknowledged his mistakes, bickering with Jimin will always be his favorite thing to do. He also realizes now, how bickering has become something that has a positive tone to it instead of a negative one.

"Hmm, now if you say it like that, I don't know either." Jimin confesses, immediately loosening his grip around the rapper. Yoongi feels it and instead tightens his grip around Jimin's waist, pulling Jimin closer in one sharp movement, that even the rapper himself didn't comprehend what he just had done. Only when his button nose slightly brushes against the younger's nose, the rapper realized how close they actually were.

The tension slightly becomes more thick as the heart's of the two idols' are beating faster and faster. 

 "Yoongi..." Jimin mumbles, when he is almost chest to chest with the rapper in front of him. 

"Sorry." The rapper apologies with a smile on his face.

Jimin smiles in response. "You are apologizing a lot today, aren't you?" 

 It's then that Yoongi realizes he shouldn't be joking now, this isn't a game and he has to set things right before he loses something so precious. 

"I don't want to lose you." The rapper blurts out, before he can even think about his words. 

"Now you really don't sound like Yoongi, my enemy would never say that!" 

"That's just it, I don't want to be your enemy anymore, Jimin-ah."

"Huh, what do you mean "don't want to be your enemy anymore"? You can't just un-enemy me." Jimin says, confused at the elders request. 

"I can and I will." Yoongi responds firmly.

He removes his hands off Jimin's waist and instead gently holds Jimin's left hand in his own, holding his small and delicate fingers firmly in his more big and rough hands. 

He blushes at the sight.

"We have wasted so many years with this dumb rivalry shit. I don't want this anymore, I don't want to hurt you, I don't want you to hurt me, I-"Jimin reaches out, stopping the elder in finishing his sentence, by cupping his cheeks.

Slowly he traces the pale skin of the rapper. "So what is it that you want?" The younger asks.

Why is he asking me such a question, while holding me so gently? 

Why is he making me so vulnerable, only by looking at me with those eyes? 

Why is it that with him I can't hide it anymore?

"I want you." Yoongi breathes out, staring just as intensely at Jimin as Jimin is doing at him. The spotlights coincidentally shine on the younger's figure, giving almost an angelic look to the idol.

Yoongi's throat is dry and he can't really understand how someone can be this beautiful, but it's not only his features that are making him so pretty, no. Everyone can be a little pretty with some makeup...

It's his smile, his crooked teeth that appears from now and then when the younger speaks, it's how his eyes form into crescent moons when he is at his happiest, it's the light blush on his cheeks that become visible every time the elder comes a little too close. It's him.

And he is so beautiful, because he is he, because he is Jimin. Not the clothes, not the makeup, not his assecoires, it's him and Yoongi has never been so sure about anything then this. That he wants him. 

And he will do anything to get him.

"I am sorry for pestering you, I am sorry for insulting you, I am sorry for being such a dickhead and-" 


"No Jimin, let me speak."

"I want to apologize if I ever let you feel bad about yourself, if I have ever hurted you. I want to apologize for not giving you a chance to have a proper conversation with me. I want to apologize for wasting all these years. You don't have to forgive me, but please can you give me another chance?" 

When Yoongi spoke out his last wish, tears started to form in the younger's eyes. He never really hated Yoongi, he just hadn't got a chance to befriend him and seeing the elder like this makes him really emotional. 

"Oh- Jimin don't cry." Yoongi exclaims in shock when he sees a tear escaping Jimin's eyes.

''I didn't lie when I told you that I feel happy when I am with you even if most of our time are waisted with us bickering.'' Jimin speaks, before another tear falls from his face.

But before the elder can reach out to wipe his tears, Jimin already lets himself fall into Yoongi's arms. Embracing the elder in a tight hug. 

And Yoongi, Yoongi immediately throws his arms around Jimin, pressing the younger against his chest, while softly patting his silver hair. 

And Jimin, Jimin lets another tear fall when he feels a teardrop on his head. 

He lifts his head and looks at a devastated Yoongi. "Yoongi-ah don't cry." Jimin mumbles, putting his hands on Yoongi's cheeks to wipe his tears away with his thumbs. "Jimin-ah don't cry." Yoongi mumbles, mirroring the younger's movements, by also wiping his tears away with his thumbs.

The two look at each other with a fond smile, while holding their universe in their own hands. 

Both idols break out in a fit of laughter when they remember their position. With a sigh they bump their foreheads against each other.

"Will you give me another chance, Park Jimin?" Yoongi asks with a hopeful gaze. "Only if you dance with me, Min Yoongi." Jimin answers, smirking while brushing their noses gently against each other.

°˖✧◝ The End ◜✧˖°


Hii, if you reached the end of this story, I want to thank you so much for reading!! 

I enjoyed writing this so much, yoonmin are so cute and I can't wait so write more about them, till then I hope everyone stays safe and takes care of themselves <3

If you love my work, feel free to check my other works out !

Thank you and I love you 

( NOTE: This story is already cross-posted on twitter under username jiminssi030 )

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