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This was such a mistake. Such a mistake. What if he was a serial killer? What if he was homophobic? What if he was TRANSPHOBIC? What if- Awsten was dragged out of his thoughts as there were a few knocks at the door. Dang it. Awsten got up and stumbled over to the door. He felt so dumb, would Geoff even think of him as a boy? Yes he was a trans boy, but he liked girly things. It was one of the only things he didn't want ripped away from him. Awsten opened the door, he looked up at the other giving him a smile.

"Hi... Geoff?" Awsten learnt how to say his name through youtube, he didn't want to embarrass himself.

"Yeah." Geoff gave a small smile before entering the home. Did I forget to hide the sippy cups? What about my binders? Did I switch the sheets and blankets off of the bed yet? Did I remove the dildos off of that one shelf? Oh God I don't think I did. Awsten looked over at Geoff who was laughing at the shelf of dildos. His last roommate put that up, he found them in Awsten's room and was also extremely homophobic. So, Awsten lied and now they were on the wall.

"Holy shit.. This is so fucking funny, can I take a picture of this?" Geoff laughed out, Awsten liked his laugh. It was a total stoner laugh.

"I mean.. Yeah, you kinda.. live here now." Awsten blushed and looked at the stuff Geoff had brought in the house, "I'll... I'll bring this to your room!" Awsten tried to pull of a smile, walking with the luggage into his room before Geoff stopped him by a light tap on the shoulder.

"No dude! Don't worry about it, I got this." Geoff smiled before bringing his stuff into the room, Awsten looked around the living room. Why did it have to be so pink? What if Geoff hated pink? Awsten loved pink. Awsten walked over to Geoff's room, peaking his head in.

"Are you... sure you don't need help?" Awsten bit onto his bottom lip, avoided eye contact with Geoff.

"Yeah! What are you so nervous about?" Geoff looked at him, finally Awsten came in eye contact with him.

"My last roommate wasn't very... good and he kinda hurt me cuz of stuff." Awsten scratched the back of his head, watching as Geoff smiled at him then went back to unpacking.

"Because of what stuff?" It was almost like Geoff knew, like he could understand through his piercing blue eyes into Awsten's dueled ones, "because you're gay?" Awsten's face tightened. He didn't even wear a skirt today! No thigh-highs, nothing that would make him look like a girl.

"H-how...? How did you know that?" Awsten wrapped his arms around himself, watching Geoff shrug.

"Your house is pink and you have dildos on a shelf." Geoff continued to unpack, "don't worry. I'm not like a major homophobe or anything."

"Good.." Awsten nodded and then turned away. That was the end of the convo. That's not why he beat him up though, it was because he was lying to 'not only his best friend but to himself'. Awsten didn't even classify them as best friends when he said that, but it was whatever.

it feels like you can read my mind- gawstenWhere stories live. Discover now