Chapter 5

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A/n: lost braincells for the chapter title. Anyway~ true tomy word I published his on the day or my birthday. Happy birthday slef! 🎉🎉


"So you're saying.. you let her escape?" Lone pinched her nose before glaring at the male in front of her. "No! That's not what I-" he tried to defend. "Stop hiding something or I'll cut your throat." Kuroneko held a knife near the males throat yet had a bit of difficulty due to height difference.

"Um,"*gulp* she said she had trouble breathing so I opened the cell." He reasoned. "What about the security?" Lon doubted it was easy to breach the security unless you had help inside. "She managed to get a sleep bomb... I'm sorry Captain..." He looked guiltily at the floor. "Sorry won't cut it, out of my office!" He was given a bit of cash to keep quiet after getting fired... but his life from now on won't have privacy.

"So what now, Lon-chan?" Kuro asked as if she didn't point a knife at someone. "I'll send a message to Soraru, call Agent 13 and his assistant." A sigh, "This is going to be quite troublesome for him."

"Class, settle down, settle down." The teacher clapped her hand try to gain the attention of the class. "As you heard, there will be two teachers joining us today." Thus shall the chaos start.

*Luz's POV*
Rahh! I fell asleep. Anyway I couldn't find Urata-ni in my room. Maybe he went to his room...I yawn before sitting up. I stayed in that position for a while till my nose cut a sniff of a yummy smell. That's probably Urata-ni..wonder what he's cooking. Should I bother him or nah?

"U-ra-ta-ni!" I tackled him in dog form. "Luz, stop! I might drop this!" He held the plate of the dish he finished cooking over his head making sure out of reach from me. Hehe~ I became human all of the sudden.. probably startling him and took one out of the cookies he made. "It's yummy as always~!" I hummed as a kept of nibbling on the cookie.

"You could have asked if you wanted some..." A sigh came from Urata-ni. "But you would probably say, "You have to wait for the old man and Senra before trying."" I pouted. "Good point." He didn't even try to deny it! How mean is that?! "So~ why did you make so much cookies?" I eyed the cookies itching to take another buuut I'll probably be murdered. "Got a text from Sakata that everyone will be visiting." Oh that cool - wait, when did Urata-ni and Sakata-kun started texting each other?

"When?" I asked, "When what?" "When did you and Sakata-kun started to text each other?" I tilted my head, now this was more interesting than cookies. "That's non of your business." He passed me and crouched down to look at the oven before opening it. "Ah, the smell is making me want to steal it all!" I said as I wiped off a bit of drool.

"Good thing you aren't in your doggy form or else we have a mess to clean up." Urata-ni then started to push me out of the kitchen, "Go take a bath you stink." I whine a bit but went upstairs to take a bath as told to.

*3rd POV*

"I wonder what your house looks like, Soraru-san!" The albino walked beside the raven-haird haired male while the others behind had their own little conversation. "It's not that impressive." Soraru yawned a bit while Senra bursted out laughing. "NOT IMPRESSIVE?! YOU- WWWW STOP LYING!" He held his stomach as he continued to laugh out loud. "With Senra's reaction I guess it's quite impressive." Shima said while Soraru sighed. "Yeah, yeah now let's go before Urata starts to worry."

The walk silently the only sound was cars passing by and their footsteps. Soraru stopped walking making the rest of the group stop as well. "Why did you stop we aren't there yet." Senra walked pass Soraru but got pulled back. "Huh?" He was confused till he saw the anger and surprised face on the raven-haird male's face. "M-mom..." Senra shivered at the flashback.

Soraru glared at the woman as he shield Senra from her. "Soraru. Move." She threatened. "No!" The young raven-haird male was then slapped, the sound echoing through the room. "Even it'll kill me I won't let you touch Senra!" He didn't even move an inch after the slap. "Didn't you say the same thing to Urata?" Immediately, Soraru dropped his arms to the side, guilt boiling inside him. The woman then took Senra by the wrist making the blonde hiss. The blonde at first struggled but he stopped after a while.

"Se.. sen..senra." Senra snapped out of his flashback and looked at the raven-haird male. "H-huh?" Senra tilted his head. "I was asking if we should take a detour or not." Soraru repeated his question the he asked while the blonde's mind was floating to a not so nice lalaland. "We should take a detour." He didn't want to confront the woman just yet. "Ok, home is that way." The others tugged behind Soraru and Senra who was leading them.

"We're here." Soraru slowed down as the approach a house seemingly from a millionaire. "That's a huge house!" Sakata exclaimed. "So this is the "nothing much" house?" Shima asked jokingly while the raven-haired male just rolled his eye.

Soraru pressed the button beside the gate and stepped back. After a few seconds the brunette came running to open the gate. "Good thing you guys are already here..Luz us about to eat all the sweets waiting y'all." Urata stepped aside for the others to go in.

"Soraru-nii!" Luz called out from the door wrapped in blanket. "Didn't I say stay in bed?!" Urata opened the door releasing the sweet aroma the cookies produced and pushed Luz back into the house. "I smell cookies!" Sakata who got a sniff of the fresh cookies when the door was opened. "If you want to eat them I suggest to come in already." Urata went in after Luz and left the door open for the others. "He sounds like my mom www." Shima laughed. "I heard that!"

Urata and Soraru went into the younger's room. "So let me get this straight. You got a worrying message from Lon-nee and saw that woman on the streets." Soraru nodded at the short brunette's summery. "So who are they?" Soraru tilted his head before understanding the question. "Same people as before." Soraru said plainly. "Do you know how little that narrows it down?" Urata shakes his head. "I'll go take Luz's temperature."

"Hey Soraru! Can we play Mario kart?" Mafumafu asked when he saw Soraru coming down the stairs.  "Sure." The raven-haird male walked up to them and set up the game. "Who's going to play?" Soraru looked at the group. "How 'bout we turn this into a mini tournament~?" Amatsuki suggested. "Let's devide ourselves into two groups the one in 1st and 2nd place of each group will against each other?" Amatsuki explained how they're going to do the mini tournament. "I'll call Urata and Luz to play wih us."

"Who knew the natural psychopath can be smart." Urata laughed when he heard the idea. "What are we waiting for! Let's play!" Luz enthusiastically shouted. "Well your temperature is now normal so I guess it's safe." "Yey~!"

In the end they ended up playing till dinner time. "Maybe you guys should stay the night. It's really dark outside." Senra offered. "Or call your parents to pick you up?" Urata tilted his head. "Let's just call them and see what'll happen." Nqrse said as he nibbled on food. "We have a few spare rooms you can share a room with each other we'll just get the futons." Senra said as he took the finished food to the sink.

"This is so comfy!" Nqrse rolled on the futon. "With how comfy this isI might as well sleep forever~" Mafu agreed with the pink haired male. "Good thing they have a lot of lose clothing that can fit all of us." Nqrse moved his hands as the oversized sleeves flapped. "I feel guilty for intruding them tho..." Cue Mafu going into sentimental mode. "If they wanted they would have kicked us out or didn't let us in in the first place so stop growing mushrooms over there." Nqrse laughed.

"I'm bored~!" Shima whined while Sakata was sleeping quietly. "I want to wake him up but I also don't want to~..." Shima rolled around a bit before remembering something. "I'll just get blackmail before going to sleep~" he then took off to find the room where the couple was. "For blackmail~"

Waking up a bit pass midnight, Sakata flinched when he saw he was somewhere unfamiliar. "Oh wait, I remember now." He thought as he remembered yesterday. "I'll just go to sleep." After saying that he layed down before falling asleep. 'Good night Sakata' was the last thing he heard 

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