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Agatha hated hospitals. 

She hated ambulances.

Sophie was sitting next to her, holding her hand as she continued to communicate with those who needed to know. The last she heard, Tedros and Chaddick were in a car on their way to the hospital and Kiko had gone to collect Reaper from her room while Beatrix took care of Fae. Things were playing out as if this was meant to happen. She only prayed that the hospital had a private entrance so that she wouldn't be bombarded with more flashing lights.

"Soph-" Agatha tried to force out, bringing herself down from her panic. Her sister looked at her, bringing her phone down from her ear with a quick dismissal to whoever it was she was talking to. Sophie tilted her head, looking at her sister with wide eyes and seeming to look over her with a harder glare.

"It's nice that you're awake now. I would like to know what happened and what I can do to fix it." Sophie said, tapping away on her phone once more. Agatha blanched, not wanting to relive the awful memories of being put on show. Sophie looked at her again, eyes softening before she gently rested her hand over Agatha's and gave it a soft squeeze. "Whenever you feel ready." She continued.

Before Agatha could say anything more, the ambulance stopped and she was quickly transferred out of the back and wheeled down many hallways, Sophie once more on her phone, this time talking to someone about where they were and the hallways they were going down. Agatha wanted to know who it was that Sophie was talking to. 

She also wondered where her fiancé was. 

She wondered a lot of things in the rush of things; being carted from room to room, mind numb from the pain and memories that were falling like sleet. She was so exhausted, she wasn't even sure what anything meant anymore as the words blurred together, Sophie answering the best she could and calling up Chaddick, if Agatha was hearing correctly, to get more facts. She nodded stiffly when they asked for her consent for the procedure, allowing herself to be moved to a room to be prepped for some surgery.

It was in that room that there was a loud commotion that caused both of the sisters to freeze, concern flooding them both as the shouting got louder before Sophie stood up and rushed out, returning a few minutes later with a relieved, but tired smile. Agatha was about to ask what the fuss was about when Chaddick's voice let out a soft curse, one that was repeated in a familiar voice.

"Ted-" Agatha whimpered when she saw him; still dressed in his fencing uniform and pale. The stress seemed to melt from his face as he rushed towards her, practically jumping on her hospital bed and hugging her. She hugged him back as well as she could, crying now as she mourned the loss of her privacy. Tedros tried to shush her, holding her tighter as he did so. The couple remained together, holding each other as a nurse came in and valiantly tried to separate them so that she could check Agatha's vitals before taking her to surgery. Tedros only parted with her five minutes later so she could go to an open OR.

She didn't remember much that happened prior to being put under, only have vague recollections of coming too and seeing her doctors after the surgery and seeing the blurry faces of her loved ones before going back to sleep, too tired to care anymore.

As time passed and she was given medication for her fracture and sprain and was admitted into a more private hospital room; she requested to see the people who came with her to the hospital; enacting one of the few novelties of being a "lady". Sophie came in first, holding a hospital bag for an expected stay as Agatha continued to be monitored for any further issues and while her school dealt with the invasion of privacy. Tedros and Chaddick followed, holding their own bags. Sophie filled her in as she numbly zoned out; ignoring how her sister began to talk about court procedures and the accommodations that were going to be added to her room at school.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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