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Agatha wasn't sure what the fuss was when she woke up that morning. For starters, her sister was snickering as they made their way down to the dining hall of their boarding school and wouldn't stop as she followed her through the many lines to collect their food and sat down by her. She refused to say anything however, ignoring Agatha's many questions of what was happening and why everyone was lively before 8 AM. 

Beyond that, it seemed that everyone else knew of what was happening before she knew and it was getting rather annoying to see that everyone was in some sort of loop that she was out of. Even though she never really liked gossip, the giggling was getting very old and Hester was shooting Sophie nastier glares than normal. Looking back, she should've pestered her friends a little more before walking into her first class and figuring it out herself.

Theodore Pendragon; the most annoying boy she's ever known, was sitting on the top of her desk like he owned the place. He was on his phone, scrolling through something and eating an apple. Worse; Julianna, Luna, and Penelope were sitting by him, giggling about something as they looked at him with wide eyes. They kept shooting each other knowing looks as they watched him intently.

He was in fact, Theodore Pendragon, more commonly known as Tedros. One of the richest people in all of England; captain of the fencing and swim team at his old school. He was also cute according to Sophie and his brother was also someone of importance. Chaddick was also one of he most eligible bachelors; being the main thing that separated the two brothers; as Tedros was engaged to a secret fiancée. Chaddick sat next to his brother, reading a book on King Arthur. Neither seemed to pick up on the attention they were drawing to themselves by simply existing. 

Rolling her eyes, she wove her way through the group of people, snarling as the three girls crowding the blonde glared at her. She froze, however, upon the feeling of eyes on her. Turning around, she gave a nasty look to the two Pendragons; both watching her with a morbid curiosity. An underlying sense of familiarity around them.

"Can I help you?" She snapped, tilting her head at the elder of the two, not liking his smirk. Chaddick's smile became wider, Tedros raising a brow at her tone. A few of her classmates gasped in shock; the atmosphere changing from playfulness to judgement faster than she could blink. She could practically hear Hester's snickers as her friend walked behind her.

"If you wouldn't mind, darling. Could you help my brother here with his locker after this class?" Tedros smiled a bright smile. Agatha scoffed when Chaddick snickered, looking between her and Tedros with glee. It was almost as if he knew how much nicknames bothered her. It was almost as if she knew them; like they lived together in a past life. He knew her buttons, but she also knew his. 

Two can play at this game, Teddy. She thought.

"If you brother really needs help, I'm sure he's capable of asking for his own help, your highness." Agatha sneered in return, smiling as Tedros' face flashed with a foreign emotion. It looked as if she slapped him across the face with the name. The silence in the class was now deafening, watching the two stare each other down. She watched as red began to creep up the blonde's neck as his brother's laughter broke the silence, cutting through it like knife as the other boys around them joined in on the joyful noise.

She narrowed her eyes then, matching his glare. She stuck out her tongue, not caring if she looked childish as opposed to her normally put together self. He was the one who waltzed into her territory. He was the one who tried to talk to her in the room; sitting on her desk like he owned it. At the thought of it, he probably did own the desk; having his mother be a notable alumna from the school. She never checked to see who the biggest sponsor was; not really caring about the people with big names and lots of money that they often rubbed in people's faces.

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