A Hero is born

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Humanity. A race from ancient times, evolving in a Large ways, Shape, or Form. The Biggest breakthrough is the Birth of Superpowers.

From Simple Fire power, To Reality warping. These kind of Powers reshaped the entire world. From Religions, Ideology, And Racism. There's no more Feminism, or even Black discrimination, Now Power discrimination. If you're power doesn't fit their ideals, You'll be targeted.

Heroes. People who take the jobs are Professional Heroes, Those who protect civillians from Villains, Natural Disaster, and other kinds of Harm.

Many Schools and Association specializes in Heroics, training Young and Next Generation to be the next Pro Heroes. Two of them rules above

Hero Association. The Very first hero school in the world and The biggest. And UA, Most prestigious Hero school.

Supernaturals. People who evolved in 3 different ways. Devils, Angels, And Fallen Angels. Each having their own Strengths and Weaknesses.

Once you turn into one, It's impossible to turn back to Human. It's a One way trip to more power, or death.

To become an Angel. One must be faithful and Loyal to God, And once you're deemed worthy, You get the choice to become an Angel of God.

To become a Devil. One must be the Polar Opposite of God, With Satan. Or, Be born from the Ancestors of The first devils.
(Like Rias)

As for the Fallen Angel. One must become an Angel, then turn evil. God will cast Evil Angels to the underworld, Who will be converted to Fallen.

Each Country has their own ranking system of Both Heroics and Supernatural. And Humanity gets to decide who takes a spot, Nationally, and Internationally. As of Now, The one who stands ontop the Hero world, From Japan, And Worldwide, is All Might, The Symbol of Peace.

Due to the birth of Powers, Villains are also born. These kinds of People uses their powers for their Own desire, From Stealing money, Or Destroying civilization. This sparked the birth of Heroics.

There are 4 kinds of Powers. Emitter, Transformation, Mutation, And Magical. The first Three is exclusive to Humans, while Magical is exclusive to Supernatural.

Emitter is a Command-type that the User can do. Like Shooting out Ice walls, Breathinf Fire, Or Creating Winds.  Transformation is also a Command-type that alters the appearance of the User, and Increasing any of their Prowess in all sorts of ways.

Mutation is a Born-type. If a User has their quirk active, and can't be turned off, It's considered Mutation. Lastly, Magical is also a Command type that can be use in a Large amount of ways, From arcane to Destruction.

These Superpowers can passively affect the user, Mainly increasing their resistance in handling them. Like Fire power means Resistance to Fire or even Immunity.

One particular human has a Power no one can match if Used correctly. A Mutation power, Called "Limiter". It removes the Limits of Growth of the User. Meaning they have Boundless prowess.

And his name. Was Y/n Gushiken, Also known as Saitama. And this was his Journey, to become the Strongest Hero, and to find a Worthy opponent.


Limiter...Yes, That's my power. I have no limits. But what do I use it for? Old Jobs? Heroics?

I tried applying for a Job. But upon hearing about my Life and Power, I got rejected many times.

During my Younger days at school. I was laughed at, By wasting a Powerful quirk like mine, Thinking they deserve it more than I do.

Right now. I'm walking down a street after yet another rejection. It was very predictable, I should probably start bothering.

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