The Strongest Human

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3rd POV

One punch, That's all it takes. After the 18 Year old Y/n, Now 21, trained for 3 years straight with no day offs.

He did 100 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 squats, and a 10 kilometer run every single day. He didn't use an AC, or the Heater during their Counter seasons to strengthen his mind.

It was well worth it to have this much strength, right? Well...Not anymore..

Half-way during the 3 year, He has gotten stronger. He can punch Walls and Buildings with his Bare hands, aswell as Saving Civilians during training.

One time, He was doing his 10km Run around the park when an OctoMonster attacked.

Octo: I am Octosaurus! King of the Octopus. I have vowed my vengeance upon you puny humans for eating my People! Now I will eat you!

It started to attack nearby Humans. Luckily, Y/n was around and was able to save two girls.

Y/n: Run. Now!

Octo: You're taking their place!

The Octopus swiped at him, sending him to a nearby Iron billboard. Making a Dent as his body got bloodied.

Octo: Wretched Human! You will all d-

It was cut off by a Flying Billboard straight at its head, killing him. Y/n improvised and ending it quickly by throwing it, He soon walked over to it and grabbed the tattered Remains of his Shirt.

Y/n: You died. Why? Because A Future Hero is here.

The Surrounding People cheered for him, in saving their lives. 

I forgot to mention. Monsters and Villains have a Threat Level system.

Wolf as the start, Tiger is the Next, Demon is next, and then Dragon, and finally, God. No record of God has appeared, and Humanity is glad for it. People are allowed to kill them regardless of how many they killed.

For Villains. From Class C to Class SS levels. Class C are the normies, Like Thugs. B class is the Grouped Villains, A class is like a Organization type, And S above is a Leader of said Organization. These are Ones you have to knockout and not kill, because, There still Human, unless their too evil and Ruthless to be considered Human.

This is one of the many monsters and villains he encountered during the 3 years. Most of them almost put hin at a Near death experience.

It usually takes over 8 punches on some Monsters and Villains. And now, It only takes One Punch.


I was out shopping on a market place. Luckily, There was a 40% Sale on Shrimps, And around 20% on Vegetables. I got two packs of Shrimps, and some vegetables.

Cashier: That'll be 300 yen, Sir.

Y/n: Hold on.

I searched my pockets and got a few coins and counted them to be 300 yen. I gave it to the cashier, and he counted it.

Cashier: Thank you, Come again.

Y/n: Bye.

I went outside with my groceries, before a Few Thugs zipped by me and grabbed my Groceries.

Thug: Later Sucker! Thanks for the Free Dinner!

Thug #2: This is too easy!

I instantly appeared infront of them and did a T pose, as Both their heads hit my arms and knocking them out.

Y/n: Go to the Baby difficulty. You need some training on those tiny brains.

I grabbed my groceries, which good thing is still intact, and pulled the thugs to the Nearest Police Station.

One Punch, That's all it takes.Where stories live. Discover now