Just A Dream

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Emma's P.O.V

It's the end of the week, Possibly my last day. The girls didn't take it well and started crying everyday. It was a depresing week for us. I've only been married to Luke for a week and he has already cried over me. I checked my phone

6:57 P.M

The fireworks were starting in an hour and Luke was setting our spot up. I refused treatment because I would only be delaying the inevitable. Luke got our spot ready and I sat down and laid on Lukes lap

"I'm going to miss you Luke" I said

"I'm going to miss you more" He said

"I know I've only been married for 1 week, but you were the best husband I've ever had" I smiled weakly

"You're the best wife I've ever had" He smiled weakly also

"After I go, I want you to live your life to the fullest and if there is another girl that you fall for, go after her okay?" I asked

"I can't do that t you" he said

"I'm asking you to" I said

"okay" he sighed

"Luke, I love you" I smiled

"I love you too" he smiled

"Remember when I fell off the swing cause I was trying to beat you" I smiled at the memory

"Yeah, you worried me so much" he laughed

"And when I was getting bullied, you saved me" I smiled

"I knew I had to save you" He said 

"And you did" I smiled

"I can't save you this time and it's killing me" He held back tears

"Hey, You saved me more times then I can count. Don't worry about this one" I said

"But all I do is worry about this one" He said

"Don't. and I'm not going to ask you to forget about me because I know I couldn't, so just live your life like you want to" I said

Before we knew it the firworks had started and I began to feel weeker. I knew it was my time. I had to tell Luke one last thing.

"Luke, I love you"  I said and the last firework was a heart

"I love you too" He said

I heard him crying and then I died. I died cuddled in huis arms. It didn't hurt, it was just peaceful.

I was laying there, in the dark. But then I was in a room. 

I woke up on an unfamiliar couch and the room was a different color, why is that? I sat up a little too fast and let out a moan. I looked down and saw bruises everywhere on my arms and stomache. I finally pushed myself off the couch and  I looked around the room to discover pictures of luke all around the house. I heard shuffling come from the room to my right,  it was the kitchen.

Luke walked out of the kitchen

"Your awake finally" He smiled

"Umm... Yeah?"  I asked confused 

"Well that's good"  He handed me water

"What happened? I'm supposed to be dead?" I asked

'No, after Josh beat you up I brought you here and you haven't woken up for 1 day and now you're awake" He said

"What's the date?" I asked

"Umm... February 14th" He said

The day Josh "Punished" me 

It was just a dream? 

Luke and I never got married?

"Is everything ok?" He asked, concerned

"Nothing is ok" 


Ahhhhhh End of the story!!!

I'm sorry for the feels if and when I gave them to you. I tried my best with this book. I might do a book 2 but I need some votes. I hope you enjoyed this book.

Thanks for reading! Stay strong! Bye!

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