Chapter Three

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"Oh perfect! Dakota, Frankie can you guys bring the test papers from the teacher's lounge? Thanks!"


"Oh Dakota Frankie, you two again, oh you're here for test papers? I see."

You two again...?

"I'm so happy to see you guys getting along, alright off to class."

Getting along?

Frankie stilled, having the third teacher speak to them. She looked down at the test papers in hand and felt the urge to just throw them as far as she could with all her might.

She didn't get it.

"Why are you still here?" She asked pathetically.

A entire week has gone by since her decision to avoid Dakota Song; she figured it would be easy as the school was relatively big and she wasn't exactly the type to stand out.
She didn't think it would be a common occurrence to constantly run into the very person she was trying to avoid.


"Frankie why don't you pair up with Dakota?"


"Frankie, could you help Dakota with this question, you understood it well."


"Dakota, well done! Miss Bennett maybe you could learn a thing or two from him."


"Oh Frankie you're alone? Where's that guy? Dakota?"

He was everywhere!!! And everyone kept putting them together!

It's almost's a cockroach.

She turned to glare up at him, his calm nonchalant behavior pissing her off more.
As a result of being around him for days her body thankfully doesn't have a drastic reaction to him anymore. Still her hatred and disgust leaves her stomach in knots.

"Don't ask questions I can't answer." He replied not even bothering to look in her direction.
"Frickin' cockroach." She spat under her breath, as she walked ahead; smirking at the shocked gasped that left Dakota's lips.
"I'd ask you the same question! It's like you're stuck to me!" He replied jogging to catch back up with her.
"You're the leech!". She yelled walking faster, not wanting to be around him anymore. It's gotten so bad that people are beginning to associate them; even her own friends.
"Just what is your problem with me? I didn't do anything to you." He yelled once he caught up.
"Ugh you're impossible!"
He groaned walking past her, but he brushed her hand causing Frankie to yelp and drop the test papers. Dakota stopped to watch her sigh and pick them up.

Not saying anything he left her behind.
Frankie glared at his retreating figure.

Typical guy...of course he wouldn't help.

She sighed knowing that her attitude towards him wasn't exactly grand but she couldn't help it. She hated him, he made her sick.
It's not something she could just be polite about; well....................mmmm.
No. Ew. No way was she gonna be nice to a boy. She looked around at the scattered papers in annoyance.

How'd it even get like this?

She reached for the rest of them just as someone else did. Their hands touched and quickly she pulled back to meet their eyes, a shock running through her fingers to see it was........... Dakota.

"Damn, can you not look at me like I'm worse than the shit under your shoe."
He shook his head, handing her the papers he gathered.

"I thought you left. Why are you here?"

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