Chapter Seven

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Frankie hummed sucking on a lollipop she got from Cammy; she doesn't know where she got it but her and Swan were given the honor of getting free candy.

She was currently reading in the school's gardens, while sitting on a bench, it was an article on crossdressing. She was trying to understand Dakota a bit more.
She knew why he did it but she was still curious.

The most she got from her research was the baseline of 'they dress in the opposite gender's clothing' there wasn't anything more. She ran into a term called femboy which sounded similar to Dakota, but if he sees himself as a crossdresser then that's how she'd see him too.

She glanced up from her phone to see the source of her curiosity.
He was a few feet away from her, leaning against the wall, his attitude cool and casual; his friends around him showing the same attitude as they spoke about something.

"Shit he's so cool!"

She turned then to hear a few students gush as they passed her.

"Can't believe he has a girlfriend. I missed my chance?"
"Do you know her?"
"Ah who cares? As long as he still gives me attention!"
"You're such a hoe!"

The girls laughed; Frankie went back to look at Dakota feeling puzzled. She took in this almost sleepy look he had and his soft smirk.

He really does look cool....

She compared this image he was currently displaying to the wide eyed, angry, teasing and chatty person he became when around her.

She groaned in annoyance.

He's like a spoiled rich kid when he's around me..

She thought about how easier it would be if he was the cool casual character he created for school.

She sighed deciding to ignore it, as thinking too deeply only made her head hurt.
"Hey Frankie! Can you help me with this?"
She looked up to see a student from her class holding a few sports materials.
"Woah why are you-"
"Ugh. A few first year boys used them outside of the gym and now I have to bring them back, mind helping?"
She nodded understanding, and collected the net and a few wooden bats from her.

They walked to the back in silence, and Frankie placed the items where they needed to go.

"Thanks so much!" She smiled turning to leave. Frankie nodded and pulled the candy from her mouth to see how far she got to the gum when suddenly someone's mouth covered it.
Frankie froze and slowly looked up to meet Dakota's twinkling eyes.

They stared at each other in silence.

Frankie didn't even blink as she raised her hands to slap him but he quickly blocked her the candy coming out of his mouth with a pop.
She stared at her now tarnished lollipop in pain.

"You god-damned pest."
"Haha. My bad I couldn't help it."

He knew he stepped over the line with this one but he wanted to tease her, he wanted her attention.

"Ugh now I can't eat it." She grumbled going to throw it away when he yanked it from her.
"Don't be so wasteful." He scolded and licked it making direct eye contact; Frankie felt her spine tingle from the way his tongue swirled almost teasingly and looked away.

"Don't you find that gross?"
"Mm. No. It's tasty." He grinned winking at her, she felt her face heat up, realizing he basically sucked on her saliva and walked past him being sure to send a glare his way.
"Ugh. Disgusting."
She hissed coming from around the gym's storage.

"So hey! You open to coming with me later...this weekend?"
"To do what?"
"I gotta go shopping so I'll-"

Frankie's eyes widened as she ducked from the incoming ball. Dakota quickly pulled her back into his chest watching as the ball hit the wall just by them. He sighed in relief that it didn't hit her and looked down to see she still had her eyes shut tight. He chuckled, taking this as an opportunity to hold onto her and retrieved the ball. It was a Basketball, he threw it back and waved once the guys collected it.

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