Chapter 6

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Ross POV

I watched her as she danced, as she sang and laughed it made a spark inside me go off something I hadn't felt this type of emotion ever in my life. It almost scared me how this girl had come into my life like an earthquake and shaken up some of my emotions and is making me confused. Never has anyone had such an impact on me before, it was weird and abnormal for me. She was so free it's like she had completely blocked out the troubles in life.

"Ross come dance with us" Ariels said coming up to me and grabbing my wrists and pulling me towards the dance floor.

"No" I said bringing my hands back to me next to my sides

"What do you mean no?" She asked me her face full of confusion

"Exactly that no I. Dont. Dance" I said my voice kept serious

"Everyone dances some better than others come on" she said her hands grabbed mine again and pulled me onto the dance floor with all the other wedding guests.

"Just listen to the music and follow my lead okay it's not a competition" she whispered near my ear and had a smirk on her face.

After the ceremony and seeing the couple leave I felt something different inside of me something that has never been felt, I was happy and glad about the actions I had committed with Ariel

GOD what is this girl doing to me.

I was about to head to the car park to get my truck when Ariel popped up in front of me

"Hey Ross" she beamed up at me, nothing but positivity and happiness company from her

"Ariel" I said nodding at her then walking around her and walking towards my truck. I heard a huff and she was right by my side our arms almost brushing against each other

"Can you please drive me home pleaseeeeee my jeep needs fixing and my ride has left" she said looking into my eyes begging me that I would say yes

"Fine I'll drop you home, it's getting dark though so hurry up" I said motioning for her to walk towards my truck

"Oh give me a second I need to get something from inside" she said running back into the hall

I took the chance to look at her seeing that her hair was done in a normal styled braid and she wore a white flowing dress that came up to her knees It looked beautiful on her she looked modest and was glowing. Yup I'm definitely going crazy and I will kill Richard for making me go see her whine I was meeting with him.

She came back 5 minutes later changed into a comfortable looking jumpsuits type of thing and a bunch of blankets in hand and a big duffel bag. what was she up to

"You changed and ready to go" I said as I Opened my door and slid into my truck.

"Yeah I thought I would be more comfortable if I changed and I've put my other stuff into the back. okay let's go" she said pointing forward

After about 5 minutes of her giving directions I was certain she didn't live where I was headed, another 10 minutes later we ended up at the beach and it was already dark. I was confused why did she make me drive her to the beach. I looked at her hoping for an explanation,but instead she was wide eyed with had a huge smile forming on her lips and jumped out of my truck and getting her things from the back.

I got out following her as she walked towards a certain section of the beach that I hadn't seen before it was amazing and the view was breathtaking then I saw her laying out a black and white round blanket and some pillows

"Umm Ariel what's all this" I asked her as she was placing down one of the pillows

"Oh my gosh Ross I didn't know you where there, you startled me" she said with her hand on her chest "but I'm here because I wanna see the beautiful night sky on this beautiful part of the beach that I came across when I was here once with my father"

There was silence between us as she continued to take things out her bag and place them on or near the blanket

Is she homeless or something I thought to myself

"No Ross I'm not homeless I just wanna enjoy being outdoors see the stars in the sky"

"I said that out loud sorry I didn't mean to"

"No worries umm do you want to join me I mean I have lots of space and food" she said as she sat down on the blanket patting a space down next to me

After an internal debate I decided to........
(I was gonna leave it there but...)
Ariels POV

I watched as they got into the limo that I had hired for them, happy as ever that they are now together it made me happy seeing them together for as long as they live, at least they didn't have to worry on how long they had left but now I can at least tick off reuniting two past lovers in my journal (bucket list) that I had made as soon as I found out what is wrong with me, It scared me but I never let it completely change my life, I still wanted to live my life no matter what.

Now I thought I would score off a another wish on my list and that was to watch the stars on this specific night as they would shine the brightest on a part of a beach that about 20 minutes from here. The view is beautiful and nothing I could ever imagine but I needed to get there somehow.

My prayers were answered when I saw Ross walking to his truck.


After setting everything up just perfectly I sat down on the soft white sand and looked up, it was nearly time I just had to wait.

I then looked over to Ross who was either watching the waves at times or me

"No worries umm do you want to join me I mean I have lots of space and food" I said as I shuffled to make room for him on the blanket patting a space down next to me.

I was surprised by his next actions he left but I shrugged it off, taking a packet of prawn cracker (don't judge me they taste Amazing) with pineapple and coconut juice.

10 minutes had passed and Ross had probably left I thought maybe he would have returned but no. I looked up to it was nearly time so I took out my camera and a floating lantern that I wanted to let go of at the perfect time.

Third persons POV

He sat there on his balcony thinking if what he did was right should he have left here there what if he had joined her what would've happened. All these thoughts in his head were new and foreign.

He looked up to see the stars at there brightest which reminded him of past memories to when his life was less complicated. This girl would have been dangerous for him, she doesn't know what he has done in life but ask Richard said he needed to finally be happy in life as well.

She looked up at the sky admiring the beautiful night sky and the pictures she had captured they were perfect.

She sat down on the blanket and put the pictures on the right page and was pleased that another one of her wishes had now come true.

She quickly got up to her feet again with the lantern in her hands ready to let it go. She lit it up and let it float up into the air watching it with admiration floating off into the sky

Both Ross and Ariel saw the lantern and thought that lantern had one thing they hadn't Freedom.

And with that both let darkness consume and fell asleep peacefully as it was a release from the problems faced today and ready for the ones tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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