Chapter 5

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Ross POV

For some reason this girl couldn't stop following me, her name was Ariel I think but what confused me was her sudden interest in me. It felt weird and unusual for someone to take interest in me like her and her request to kidnap someone was one that took me by surprise and blew me out the water.

Right now I am making my way to a football match where I'm meeting Richard my boss, he's the reason I got my revenge.

I walk into the private room to watch the game when I see Richard

"I've done what you asked me to do Richard" I said folding my arms looking out the glass window.

"Very good but Ross I asked you to teach him a lesson not kill him" he said taking a drink out of his glass "anyway don't mind me saying this to you as I think of you as my own son but you have to stop trying to find ways to kill yourself Ross" he said, I didn't know how to reply I stood thee speechless. I normally don't have these types of talks with people so talking about this with Richard was different.

"What are you saying?" I asked him Turing my gaze from the match to him.

"What I'm saying is to go out there in the world and find a reason to live, have fun, live your life, find a girl you'll love and be with her. Live you life Ross because you only live it once, look I know what happened in the past was bad but you gotta leave it in the past and live in the present" he said again leaving me completely speechless

Before I could speak there was a knock on the door and a middle aged man came in.

"Umm sorry to interrupt but there's a girl waiting outside she said she wants to meet a blonde haired villain who goes by the name of Ross she said her name is Ariel and he should know her." He said, at that point I wanted to slap myself but I covered my face with my hands enough to see the amused smirk spread all over Richards face.

"One you go Ross 'Ariel' is waiting" he said letting out a small laugh as I was about to leave. I rolled my eyes and said my goodbyes as I made my way outside to the car park where she was waiting for me.

As soon as she came into site I grabbed her hand and let her to my jeep pushing her against it and covering her mouth.

"Why the hell did you follow me, what do you want?" I asked her to moving my hand from her mouth.

"It's simple I want you to help me kidnap someone" she said in a duh tone.

"Get out of here and stop following me! I can make you disappear and no one will even notice" I shouted right in her face and pushed her away.

I started to walk back into the building but she quickly ran in front of me blocking my path.

"Wow this is why I want your help, now trust me I will pay you but you have to help me kidnap someone and you have that whole villain look but I bet underneath all of that you are a total softie I bet" she said placing her hands on her hips.

"Fine in my jeep now" I commanded and opened my door to my jeep.

"Really okay let's go" she exclaimed running to the other side of my jeep.

Fast forward to when they get to the location if kidnapping.

I parked my jeep and looked at where she brought me.

"Are you crazy or is the person your kidnapping crazy" I asked her

"What do you mean?" She asked looking at me confused

"Well this is a mental ward the place people with mental issues are put"

"No no Dean is everything but crazy he has no mental issue his family put him here on purpose" she unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car "now let's go safe him" she said putting her hands in the air.

Note to self this girl is crazy.

"You know how hard it's going to be to kidnap him" she asked me as we walked into the building

"It won't be that hard now where is he" I asked as we walked past the reception

"Just here he said they were playing in the main hall, now let's goo" she said grabbing my a and pulling me towards what I think is the main hall.

What the hell, is all I thought how am I supposed to find him there's hundreds of them. I looked her and she just shrugged her shoulders but kept looking for 'Dean'.

"WHO HERE IS DEAN" I shouted and everything went silent and all eyes were on us.

"ARIEL" a medium sized man came running towards us.

"DEAN" she said running up to him, and giving him a big hug. "Guess what Dean you are going to go find Jenna and your going to get married today, do you hear me"

"What are you talking about Ariel" he asked with a shocked expression on his face that I also had

"You are going to get married Dean you and Jenna you both love each other so much now come on, oh by the way Dean this is Ross Ross this is Dean he helped me get to you Dean" she said pointed at me

"Thank you so much seriously thank you" he said trying to give me a hug which was quite awkward

As we left the mental hospital I couldn't help but think that I had just done something good this feeling I had inside me was different, I felt different and good about what I had just done.

What has this girl done to me. As I lay down in my room to take a nap I couldn't help but think that this day maybe the most memorable in my life and I might just have a peaceful sleep.

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