Big Secret

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Y/N (Y/L/N) is a werewolf, and she has always been a tad bit insecure about her condition, that was probably an understatement.

She got bullied maliciously in her old schools like Ilvermorny and Beauxbatons. So after a few years of getting teased and bullied, she transfered to Hogwarts, and kept her condition a secret.

But it proved to be hard to keep such a big problem a secret, especially when Y/N's best friend was the Brightest Witch of Her Age, Hermione Jean Granger.

"You're looking a bit pale, do you want to go to the Hospital Wing?" said Hermione with a frown, taking in Y/N's sick-looking appearance.

Y/N's hair and uniform were slightly disheveled, there were prominent dark circles around her eyes, giving her an exhausted look. Her face was much more pale than usual, looking uneasy.

"I'm fine, Mione." insisted Y/N with a shake of her head, letting out a small sniffle. "It's probably just cold or something." she excused.

"Rubbish." scoffed Hermione. "It's October, and if it were cold then you should be wearing something heavy." she said, pointing down at Y/N's robe on the floor.

Y/N didn't say anything at Hermione's statement, she merely kept her gaze on the book on front of her, reading the same line over and over again, that was until she felt a finger under her chin, lifting her face up till she met a pair of honey-brown eyes, glossing with concern.

"Tell me what's going on." said Hermione softly, yet her tone still had a hint of sterness in them. "C'mon, Y/N. You know I wouldn't judge you for anything."

"I said it's nothing, really." lied Y/N. She didn't believe what the bushy haired girl had just said, after all, who would be friends with her if they found out what she really was...a freak? Or possibly, a monster?

"Just drop it, Hermione. I have to go, I'm exhausted, goodnight." said Y/N, quickly excusing herself. She stood up without another glance at Hermione and departed to the Ravenclaw dorm.

Hermione sat there in the library, feeling confused and concerned. Now, everyone knew how petty Hermione Granger really is. She'd go all out just to find the truth, and looking around the library, that's exactly what she's going to do.


Hermione approached Y/N the next day with a smile and a book in her head, which was nothing out of ordinary, obviously.

"Hey." greeted Y/N with a small smile.

"Guess what I found." said Hermione brightly, opening up the book. She flipped through the pages and turned it around for Y/N to see. "That's what you are, right?"

All the air in Y/N's lungs seemed to have left as Hermione pointed her finger at the illustration of a werewolf, her other finger pointing at the ways on how to spot a werewolf.

And Hermione was smiling as though she had just won the lottery. Y/N, however, backed away slightly, her eyes widened in shock.

"I told you to drop it but Miss Know-It-All just had to find out what I am." scoffed Y/N, her voice slightly cracked. "I told you to drop the damn thing but you didn't listen!"

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