Little Riddle: 2

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Prompt: Y/N teases Hermione


Y/N took a seat next to the bushy haired girl, whom she presumed to be named Hermione Granger after Pansy confided her with a bit of information about her.

Hermione made no gesture to acknowledge Y/N. She simply kept her gaze on the blackboard on front of the class, pretending to be completely unbothered.

"You look beautiful." claimed Y/N, trying not to laugh.

Hermione huffed and rolled her eyes in disbelief at her shameless flirting.

"Stop being ridiculous." scoffed Hermione, slamming her book down onto the desk, attempting to hide the blush growing on her face.

Although she proved to be unsuccessful, feeling flustered and nervous once more. She glanced at the girl next to her, who's smile was now replaced with a smirk.

But in those dark eyes held so much admiration for the bushy haired girl, dark eyes that had a shimmer in them, a sparkle that only appeared for her as though she was the reason for it.

"And you're vile." huffed Hermione, looking away at once, trapping her bottom lip between her teeth.

"Whatever my pretty girl says." hummed Y/N, her satisfied smirk still etched upon her pale face.

"I am not your pretty girl!" retorted a very flustered yet quite angry Hermione, her eyes shooting daggers at the girl next to her.

"Oh?" said Y/N in a mocking surprised voice. "Oh I get it. You're my pretty princess, no?" she teased, a giggle leaving her lips.

Hermione let out a scowl as Professor Lupin stepped into the class, feeling finally saved from Y/N's malicious teasing and shameless flirting.


"Saw you and Granger today at class. Any luck?" asked Draco as they made their way to Hagrids Hut for Care of Magical Creatures. "She seems to think that you're a bit conceited, mate"

"Oh shut your greasy hair." said Y/N, rolling her eyes playfully. "My Riddle charm can get anyone. I'm sure of it." she said confidently.

"There's Potter. C'mon, help me pester him." snickered Draco, nudging the girl on her shoulder. "We're both in luck. Granger's with him too." he added, which seemed to get Y/Ns interest and attention.

"Couldn't anyone open their books?" frowned Hagrid.

"Well, we tried." exclaimed Y/N with a mocking innocent voice. "Until it tried to eat us to death." she scoffed, earning her a booming laugh from Draco and his friends.

"Well I think they're funny." countered the bushy haired girl, a raven-haired boy nodding his head in agreement.

"Really witty." sneered Draco.

Y/N's eyes flickered on the scar on the raven-haired boys forehead for a second before turning her gaze back onto the Gryffindor girl.

"And I think you and I would look spectacular together." teased Y/N with a raise of her eyebrows, her usual satisfied smirk returning back on her face at the sight of the now flustered girl.

Draco made a wolf-like whistle, making the entire class snicker and howl with laughter.

"Ignore her, Hermione." scoffed a red hair beside her, putting his arm around her shoulder as he dragged her away from Y/N.

Y/N's smirk faltered, her lips curling into a frown as she watched the two of them smiling at eachother, their hands slowly locking with eachother.

"Nobody would choose Weasley over you." assured Draco from beside her. "He probably loves his stupid little rat more than Granger."

"Got that right."


Editing the last part

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