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"Where'd my bed go?" frowned a fellow Gryffindor named Mia, noticing the room was one bed short. "Y/N, can I sleep in the same bed as you? I don't fancy sleeping on the floor-"

"Why Y/N?" interrupted Hermione hotly, standing up from her bed. "I'm more than glad to offer mine."

"Oh no, Hermione! I wouldn't want to bother you." said Mia with a shake of her head.

"But it's alright for you to bother Y/N?" questioned Hermione with a raise of her eyebrows. Y/N wanted nothing more than to evaporate from this scene.

"What's fine is fine." answered Mia with a sweet smile.

"Fine." nodded Hermione in agreement. "I'll sleep on the same bed as well then."

"Wait, wait, wait!" chimed an exasperated Y/N, holding her hands up in defeat. "Time out!"

Several Hours Later

"Please help me." mumbled Y/N to the ceiling, laying down like a stiff stick while the two girls surrounded each of her side.

A restless night passed. Hermione and Mia changed to their uniforms in silence. The bushy-haired girl walked to her lover's bed, giving Y/N a gentle nudge on the shoulder. "Wake up,"

"I can't wake up without my goodmorning kiss." replied Y/N with her eyes still shut close.

"Guess I'll have breakfast by myself then." hummed Hermione, already walking away.

"I'll be in charge of the morning kiss, then!" announced Mia as she ran up to Y/N's bed, she leaned in and lowered her head down but was stopped by an arm blocking the girl's face.

"Don't you dare, that's completely outrageous!" snapped Hermione angrily. "Only I can and she only likes me doing it, so I'd appreciate it if you stop acting like this with my girlfriend."

"You're into crazy ones, aren't you?"


someone give me ideas or smth

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