Little Riddle: 3

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Prompt: Hermione realises her feelings


"Please pair with your partners and observe your tea leaves." said Professor Trelawny in her dreamy-ish voice.

Y/N didn't hesitate to slump her bag next to the bushy haired girl, who let out an exasperated groan as she knew what was bound to happen.

"You look beautiful." said Y/N.

"How many times are you planning to lie to me? You've been saying that everytime we come across eachother." scoffed Hermione in disbelief.

Though Hermione acted all unbothered by these compliments, she couldn't help but feel her heart flutter even just by hearing the same thing over and over again, it was as if she'd never get tired of it.

"Lie to you?" repeated Y/N with a bewildered look. "I'll keep repeating it until you call your own self pretty." she shrugged with a toothy grin.

Hermione trapped her bottom lip between her teeth, her gaze on the girl next to her. Of course, she could simply fool the girl and call herself pretty just so she could leave her alone.

But did she really want Y/N to leave her alone?

"Granger, keep gawking at me and everyone would know that you're in love with me." teased Y/N. "I'm not complaining though." she snickered.

"Oh how I hate you and your shameless flirting." scowled Hermione as she averted her gaze on her lap in attempt to hide her flustered state.

"You know you love me." countered Y/N with a matter-of-fact tone.

"I absolutely despise you."

"It's okay, I love you too, pretty girl." yawned Y/N.

A giggle left Y/N's lips at the bushy haired girls reaction. Hermione turned her head so quickly that you'd think she probably cracked her head from the speed. Her face was basically as red as her Gryffindor tie, her mouth slightly parted to protest, but no words came out.

"We should probably start on our tea leaves. Unless you want to fail the class just because of my charming self." said Y/N with a grin, her eyebrows raised.

Hermione stuttered some words that sounded very much like gibberish as she looked down, opening her book.

Y/N leaned over to observe the bushy haired girls tea cup.

"Salazar, this is one happy cup." she exclaimed to the Gryffindor girl.

"Really?" said Hermione in astonishment, forgetting her slight anger with the girl. "What does the book say about it?" she asked.

"It says that you're soulmate just happens to be a charming Riddle by the name of Y/N Riddle-"


Hermione had hit the girl with her rather large book.

"You're the biggest insolent toerag that I ever had the misfortune to meet." huffed Hermione.

Y/N was rubbing the back of her head, yet she was wearing a grin at the same time, adoring the girl next to her.


Hermione sat on her bed, resting her back against the headboard as she hugged her knees, her thoughts consuming her.

Yet all her thoughts led her to Y/N Riddle.

Oh, did she hate her.

Her silly toothy grin.

Her stupid little smug and satisfied smirk.

Her ridiculous dark eyes.

Her daily compliments.

But the hatred was nothing compared to when Y/N would look at the bushy haired with pure admiration and utter adoration.

How she talked to her at every opportunity she got, shamelessly flirting with her till she huffed and walked away.

She hated all of it.

She despised her.

But oh, did she love her.


Several weeks passed and it was the same thing every single day. Y/N would of course, give the bushy haired girl her daily compliment and then start teasing her non-stop.

Everyone from the Slytherin house kept murmuring about Riddle and the Gryffindor girl. Everybody knows about the rivalry between the two houses, let alone a pure-blood with a muggle-born.

"Ugh, Riddle and Granger?" said Zabini with slight disgust, looking at the two girls. "Riddle, you do know about her blood status, don't you?"

Y/N looked down at the bushy haired girl who had her bottom lip trapped between her teeth, watching the girl with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah. I know she's a mudblood." said Y/N, nodding her head.

Zabini wore an appreciative smirk, whereas the Gryffindor girl looked like in a verge of tears. She should have known that Y/N was simply playing her, she's the Dark Lord's daughter after all. How could she possibly have fallen for such a person?

Hermione let out a shaky breath as she felt her eyes sting. She started to walk away from the Slytherin girl.

Y/N however grasped her arm firmly, pulling her. A gasp and a yelp left Hermiones lips from the sudden action, feeling her body colliding with Y/Ns.

"But she's my pretty little mudblood, Zabini." sneered Y/N.

Hermiones breath hitched as she looked up at the taller girl, their eyes locking. She was shocked that she herself wasn't shaking her head, or insulting Y/N however she could.

No, instead she was laughing. Laughing at the shameless flirting that she swore she hated.

"I guess you don't hate me as much as you thought." said Y/N with her usual toothy grin, her eyebrows raised in bemusement.

"No, perhaps I don't." admitted Hermione quietly.

Is it so bad that Hermione wanted her? After all the insults, rivalry, hatred and bitterness. She couldn't help but fall for the girl on front of her. She fought and argued with her as she simply kept teasing her, shamelessly flirting.

But Hermione knew that she herself secretly enjoyed all this rivalry. They both knew that they loved eachother, the hatred just made it more exciting.

They looked at eachother for a few moments before Hermione's eyes flickered down to Y/N's lips. She then slowly cupped the taller girls face, tugging it downwards slightly. Y/N could feel her breath hitching at how Hermione's tongue ran over her lips as the bushy haired girl let out a giggle at Y/N's flustered state, which was definitely a rare sight to see.

Their foreheads now leaning against each other as they looked into each other's eyes, looking for any sign of uncertainty, but there was none.

Y/N's hands travelled down onto Hermione's waist, gripping it gently. Hesitantly, she brushed their lips, barely any space between them now, their breaths hitting eachothers lips.

Y/N's eyes fluttered close as she felt soft lips colliding with hers, thumbs caressing her cheek gently. Fireworks erupted in both of their stomachs at the sensation. Y/N's grip on the bushy haired girls waist tightened, a slight gasp being heard.

They pulled away, their chests heaving up and down as they rested their foreheads against each other. Hermione brushed her thumb against Y/N's lips, small smiles plastered on both of their faces, feeling equally happy.

"Oi, Malfoy! You owe me twenty galleons!"


Oh to be Y/N

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