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"seungmin hurry up and come downstairs, your bodyguard is waiting for you!"

Mr. Kim sighed on not hearing any response from upstairs. he turned his head towards where hyunjin stood and gave him a soft smile, "he'll probably take a while, have a seat." he suggested.

hyunjin smiled back at him and shook his head, "it's fine Mr. Kim, i don't mind waiting. it's quite earlier than usual for him to arrive anyway."

"that's what i hired you for!" Mr. Kim boosted. "i want him to be earlier at school and study for all his classes beforehand."

hyunjin nodded understandingly, "i can train him for that too Mr. Kim."

"oh god, he's just a kid kim, let him live!" an unknown voice said. both, hyunjin and Mr. Kim turned towards the male who had entered with a bright smile painted on his lips.

"honey!" Mr. Kim's expression brightened just by the presence of his fiancé as he engulfed the male in a strong hug. "you didn't inform me that you'd be coming over!"

Mr. min chuckled and softly pecked mr. kim's lips, before saying; "i wanted to surprise you and min min."

"dad!?" seungmin widened his eyes as soon as he saw both his dads standing before him. "dad!" he shouted once he realized it was actually his own father that lived all the way in Barcelona had come over.

he ran towards the male, and threw his hands over his shoulders, making mr. min stumble back a bit. "min min, i'm so glad to see you son!" he choked out.

seungmin finally released his father from his grip and felt a small peck pressed on his forehead. he instantly smiled wider at his dad, "i missed you dad."

"i missed you too min." his dad replied, ruffling his hair at the slightest bit. "let's talk after you get home from school hm?"

seungmin whined in annoyance, "why can't i just take the day off to spend time with you! it's not everyday you get to come over!"

mr. min sighed and glanced towards his fiancé who exchanged knowing looks with him. "sorry min, i can't help you with this one."

seungmin pouted again, now crossing his arms out of utter annoyance. "look on the bright side minmin, you get to attend school with this hottie all the time!" mr. min explained while pointing towards hyunjin.

seungmin lightly gasped and tugged on his fathers sleeve, "dad!" he whisper-yelled, a small blush spreading across his squishy cheeks. "he's just my bodyguard! would you keep it down a notch!"

seungmin's fathers chuckled on seungmin's flustered and embarrassed state as hyunjin awkwardly stood near the doorway, clearing his throat in attempt to catch their attention,

"shall we get going seungmin? your dad said he wanted you earlier at school." he asked, earning an annoyed nod from seungmin.

"have a great day at school min!" his fathers yelled as they watched their son leave along with hyunjin.

mr. min slightly yelped when he felt himself getting pinned against the kitchen counter by his fiancé.

"it's been a while babe." mr. kim snickered, leaning down towards mr. min. "do you have any idea how much i missed you?"

mr. min chuckled and pulled him closer by the neck tie,

"show me how much you missed me baby."

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