Chapter 32 - Futaba's Palace

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We entered the house and it seemed too quiet, not only that but Sojiro left the gate unlocked. That made us concerned that something might've happened. When we got inside, the TV was on but no one answered. Then the power went out and we heard someone freak out and Makoto freaked out a bit.

Makoto was gripping my shoulder for dear life and lost her footing, we looked behind us and saw a girl with orange hair. She and Makoto freaked each other out and Makoto hugged my leg in fear. Sojiro came in and used a flashlight, when he saw it was us I apologized for being there.

"Uh....I see, is she okay or do friends get that close now-a-days?" Sojiro asked.

"Uh, no, I just got scared and I may've accidently scared Futaba." Makoto said. "Is there anyway we can apologize to her."

"That would be very hard." he said.

"Why is that?" Yusuke asked.

"We'll talk more at the cafe." he said.

We all went to the cafe and Sojiro began to explain more about why we couldn't really talk to Futaba. Apparently she has been a shut in since her mother died. I froze when he said she committed suicide in front of Futaba. Anyone would be scarred seeing their loved one commit suicide, but why she became a shut in was because these people read a suicide note in front of her and her family. Futaba's family blamed her for Wakaba's death, already that sounded sketchy. Why would anyone read a suicide note in front of a grieving family and cast the blame on Futaba?

I growled when Shadeon growled, we both agreed that this was just messed up. Sojiro looked at me.

"Ren?" he said.

I breathed in and out.

"Sorry, it just irks me that anyone would do that and cast blame on an innocent person." I said.

"We all can agree with him there. No wonder she won't open up to anyone." Ann said.

"Yeah, I took Futaba in because her family treated her like trash. I wasn't going to let her suffer like that." he said.

Sojiro genuinely looked upset. After he left, we did talk about it and disbanded for the day. I went out and did tasks only to realize that Morgana wasn't with me. I started going to this church to meet this girl who plays Shogi. She is mentoring me and we can use those skills in battle.

Morgana returned before I was going to go to bed.

"There you are, where were you Morgana?" I asked.

"Checking in on something. The person Alibaba, I didn't think she would be young."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"She was listening in on the conversation at Leblanc." he said.

Next day we went back to Sojiro's house and Morgana got us in. We found Futaba's room and Makoto knocked but she wouldn't answer to her name. I knocked.

"Alibaba, we're here to help you." I said.

"Yes, you don't have to talk to us you can us text messages if you'd like." Makoto said.

My phone buzzed and we looked at it.

???: What are you doing here?

"We are here to help, we realize why you want us to steal your heart." Ann said.

"For us to help you though we need to know a few things and then you have to give us a few days." I said.

???: What do you need to know?

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