~ Prologue ~

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~ Prologue ~

Words: 2680

"I can't wait for tomorrow." Dan grinned to himself. 

"Yeah. You'll love it Dan. Running in wolf form gives you so much freedom." Phil grinned. They had been friends since birth - Phil's uncle was the alpha of the pack and Dan's father was the Beta. They had grown up together.

"I'm finally turning 18, it's been long enough." Dan chuckled. 

"I know, why can't we shift earlier? Maybe 16? Then we'd have a whole 2 extra years being able to shift." Phil agreed. Both boys sat down on a large rock and stared up at the large round moon. "It's going to be a full moon when you shift." Phil smiled tiredly up at the sky. Dan grinned and turned to look at Phil with a fond expression.

"Yeah, that's pretty cool ... did you know I was born on a lunar eclipse?" Dan smirked. Phil turned to look at him with wide eyes. 

"Really?" He asked in surprise, bight blue eyes full of wonder. Dan giggled and poked Phil's nose making both boys laugh. "That's cool."

"Yeah." Dan sighed and lay down, looking up at the moon again. "I could find my mate too." Dan added, smiling giddily. Phil smiled at Dan's expression and lay down beside him, head resting on his chest. "Phil!" Dan whined but laughed despite himself. Phil only grinned and snuggled into him.

"I hope I find my mate soon. It's been months since my birthday and none of the pack members are my mate." Phil sighed.

"You'll find them." Dan reassured, lifting a hand and playing with Phil's midnight black hair. Phil closed his eyes in peace; he loved it when Dan played with his hair. 

"We should probably head back soon." Phil yawned, feeling himself drift off. He felt completely happy and peaceful in Dan's arms.

"We should." Dan agreed but made no attempt to move - only continued to play with Phil's hair. Phil smiled faintly to himself.


Phil yawned and blinked his eyes open. He frowned when he felt the comfortable mattress of his bed and his duvet tucked around him. He quickly sat up and looked around, rubbing one eye as he did so. "Dan?" Phil asked sleepily but no one answered. Not only a minute later - Phil's mum waltzed into the room with a grin on her face. 

"Morning love." She smirked. Phil smiled.

"Morning ... um, how did I get here? I was with Dan last night." He frowned in confusion.

His mum's smirk grew wider, "Oh darling, you were fast asleep. No wonder you don't remember. Daniel carried you all the way home." She giggled and winked at Phil who blushed. 

"H-he did?" Phil stuttered, feeling his heart flutter. 

"He sure did. Now, wake up. I'm sure he'll be getting up soon and since it's his birthday I have no doubt that he'll come running to find you first and explode with happiness." Phil's mum chuckled. She knew Dan well since both families had been close and she had watched Dan and Phil grow up together.

"Good idea. I can't wait until tonight. At midnight - when he shifts he'll be so happy. Then maybe we could go on a moonlight run so he's used to his wolf." Phil rambled in excitement.

"Alright dear, better fix yourself up and come down for breakfast then." 

"Ok." Phil had a quick shower and ate his breakfast at lightening speed before sprinting up the stairs in werewolf speed. He grabbed his hairdryer and straighteners and set to work making himself look good. He had a good feeling - as if something was telling him something good was going to happen and Phil wanted to look good for Dan's birthday. Whenever it's someone's birthday, the whole pack - around 50 people, celebrate their birthday with a huge party and then at midnight they congratulate them after they've shifted. 

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