~ Part 2

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Werewolf ~ Part 2

Words: 2124

[Time skip 3 weeks]

Phil flipped the page of his book, inhaling and exhaling before reading the next words on the page. He was so bored. He was used to Dan's ridiculous suggestions and constant company but now he was avoiding Phil, he felt empty, cold and alone. Sure, he had other friends, but none of them compared to how close a relationship he had with Dan. 

Soon enough he heard the soft pad of Louise's boots walking in his direction. He looked up just in time to see a bag of crisps flying straight at his head. Out of instinct, his arm whipped out and grabbed it before it came in contact with his nose. 

"Nice catch. You're getting faster." Louise smiled and plopped down next to him. 

"Thanks." There's a twenty minute silence as Phil continued to read his book and Louise sat comfortably with her head in her hands, looking up at the sky. There was nothing to be said other than the obvious question hanging in the air - the one Louise would always eventually ask.

"Have you heard from Dan?" 

"What do you think Louise? My answer's always going to be the same, I don't know." Phil sighed, slamming his book closed and leaning back against a tree.

"Just checking." Louise shrugged, unaffected by Phil's mood. He sighed and rubbed his temples as his mind finally wandered back to his and Dan's conversation. He had been trying to avoid all thoughts of Dan recently to clear his mind and get on with life but no matter how hard he tried - he couldn't.

"I'm dangerous! Stay away from me! Well ... I don't want you!" The words filtered through his mind and even though they hurt, they had Phil confused. "How is he dangerous?" Phil wondered but was distracted by Louise.

"I heard Nicole's going to try and get in your pants soon." Louise yawned.

Phil made a face. "Really? Why?"

"She thinks you're hot and easy." 

"I am NOT easy!" Phil exclaimed. "I am for Dan and Dan only - even if he doesn't want me!" He growled.

"Don't get angry at me! They're not my words." Louise defended and sat up again.

"Sorry." Phil muttered. "If you see her, tell her I'm not interested, please." Phil pleaded, giving Louise puppy-dog eyes.

Louise rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, I will." She laughed.


"I'm so hungry." Chris groaned, taking his seat next to Phil at the dinner table. Immediately he started wolfing down his food.

"I think you shift into the wrong animal." Phil teased. "You're more like a pig." The people surrounding laughed and Chris smirked.

"Shut up, lucky for you, nothing can ruin my mood so long as food's on my plate." He grinned and continued to stuff his face. Phil rolled his eyes but smiled none-the-less and went to take a bite of his own meal. 

However his action were halted when someone dropped into his lap, blocking his path to his plate. "What the?" Phil muttered and looked up to see Nicole looking at Phil with a smirk. 

"Hey there gorgeous!" She winked. 

Phil sighed in annoyance, couldn't she just leave him alone to eat in peace? "Nicole look-" Phil started but before he could continue, Nicole grabbed Phil by the shirt and tugged him forward, forcing their lips together. Phil's eyes widened in surprise.

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