Chapter 6

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When they were done eating, Soobin came up to pay, "Hey, so I wanted to give these to you. I know how much of a fan you are, and I get tickets to give out, so I thought you might like them."

Jes opened the envelope he was handing her, and her mouth dropped open. Then she started jumping up and down, screaming like a lunatic. Her Dad rushed over, all concerned, and Jes couldn't speak. She was so excited. "What's going on? Are you okay?"

She finally caught her breath, "Soobin just gave me tickets for a meet and greet with freaking BTS. Can you believe that?"

He frowned at his daughter, "You almost gave me a heart attack over BTS tickets. You are ridiculous."

She scoffed; he didn't understand. Jes turned back to Soobin and pulled him into a hug. "You are literally my favorite person in the world right now. I have no idea how I could even thank you."

He blushed bright red and started stuttering a bit, "Don... Don't worry about it. Being your friend is enough."

"Best friend, you have officially been promoted to best friend."

Soobin blushed even more, and the other guys teased him a bit, but Jes was here for it. "Well, we have to get back to the dorms. I'll see you later."

She nodded her head and thanked him again for the tickets. She couldn't wait to tell Chae about this. She's not a BTS fan, but she went to TxT with her, so she better go with her to see BTS. It's not like Jes can take Soobin with her.

When she got back to the dorm, she jumped on her bed and said, "Chae, guess what we are doing in two days?"

She looked at Jes with a lot of suspicion, "What another karaoke date with TxT?"

"Don't even act like you didn't enjoy that. Anyway, I  got tickets to the meet and greet with BTS, and you are going with me."

She groaned, "I don't want to go. Besides, if you're lucky, you'll become best friends with Hobi, and then he and Suga will show up at karaoke."

That would be amazing. But Jes just smiled at her, "You'll come though, right?"

She pouted briefly, "I guess, but only because JK is hot."

Jes legit didn't get much done over the next two days besides texting Hobi; she sent him so many pictures of outfit choices. He said she should go with the emerald green flowy top and ripped jean skirt, an almost white-washed option. She was so freaking excited to meet BTS she called Soobin on the way there, "I can't do this, I can't meet them. I'm not worthy!"

He laughed on the other end of the phone, "You are more than worthy, and don't waste my tickets."

"I won't, I promise; I just needed to be brought back down to Earth. I might call you after."

"Call me anytime, I'm always here."

The two girls were waiting in line, and just like with TxT, they were towards the back. When they got up there, Chae went first; she was shy with Tae. Jes handed him a pin she had made, and he signed her album; next was Yoongi. She handed him the pin she made, and he smiled; he signed the album, and she went to get Jungkook's signature, but Chae was in full-blown flirt mode. Jes just rolled her eyes at her. Jimin was pulling on her sleeve, but she wasn't budging. Jes walked around her and focused on Chim. She handed him his pin, and he smiled so big. He even put it on. He signed her album, waved it in front of Kook's face, and Jungkook signed it without paying attention. It looked like Kook was flirting as much as Chae was. "Can you give him his pin when he's done flirting?"

Jimin started cracking up but promised he would. Next was Jin, who really is even more handsome in person. Jes handed him his pin, and he signed her album. Next was Hobi. She was kind of nervous about this one. She'd been talking to a Hoseok, and yeah, it was a different Hoseok. But they've been talking about smut scenes together that involved this Hobi standing in front of her.

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