"I need a towel." I shouted, really loud for Ray to hear me downstairs.
I could almost imagine him shaking his head while going upstairs and thinking why I didn't bother looking for a towel first before I got in the shower. Well, that's just me being lazy.
I heard the door to the room opened, then footsteps. "Gotcha." I heard Ray said to himself, after probably finding a towel. "Here" He said loudly, after knocking on the door.
I slightly opened the bathroom, showing only my wet head, before quickly taking away the towel from his hand. He winked at me before saying, "I've seen everything, you know." probably referring to the little incident when he barged in my room. I shut the door on his face as I felt a little embarrassed.
I dried myself with the towel, wrapped it around my waist after, and then dried my hair using his hair blower. After drying my hair, I put the blower back in the hanging cabinet. I then walked out of the bathroom and saw him sitting on the bed, his eyes already fixed on me.
He gulped, too obvious might I add, that I took notice of it. I just stood there as he shamelessly raked his eyes all over my body. His eyes were glued on the towel that is wrapped around my waist. I suddenly felt conscious. I cleared my throat which caught his attention. Did he just give me a once over?
I smirked feeling a little proud to myself for having an attention-seeking body then took noticed of his growing boner though he is seated on the bed. It's too big of a boner to hide even if you're seated.
I broke the awkward air that suddenly filled the room. "I need clothes." I said, more like ordered.
He blinked rapidly at the sound of my voice, as if getting himself back to reality. "Right."
He stood up from the bed and walked to his cabinet. With him standing up, I got a good look of the outline of his length. By the looks of it, if it wasn't situated slightly sideways, it would've gone up farther than the band of his shorts – way farther actually.
My body started feeling hot just imagining it. I furiously shook my head as if to get the thought out from my mind. This can't be happening all over again.
I'm not confused though. I know I am bi and my parents know it too. Just the three of us know though. They'd promised me not to tell anyone unless it comes from me. I realized that I was bi when I started having a crush on Ray (though I didn't tell this part to my parents. I purposely left it out.) when I was 14. At that time, I had a girlfriend.
Back then, I thought that I was just mixing up my emotions but somehow, it kept growing. I realized then that I am bi. I thought I completely succeeded in forgetting my feelings for him when I met Diane, and now I know I thought wrong. Feelings can't just be forgotten or buried deep in our hearts. Somehow, they'll resurfaced and be able to find their way back.
"Here." He said, handing me one of his shorts along with one of his boxers, breaking me out from my unwelcomed flashback. Being almost the same size with him, less some height and weight, is a good thing. I could always borrow his clothes and not look weird on it.
I walked back to the bathroom to get changed, suddenly not having the balls to just change in front of him, while he watches me with his eagle eyes. I put on the clothes and I was instantly engulfed with his familiar scent – woody aromatic scent.
Once I was done changing, I quickly took a good look at myself on the mirror and decided to just leave my hair in a mess. Some water droplets are still rolling down my naked body.
Walking out from the bathroom, for the second time, I found Ray seated on the bed again, on the same exact spot earlier. "You know where to find the shirts in case you want to put one on." He said, turning his head towards his cabinet.
"Maybe later, when I go back home." Wearing a shirt isn't a thing for me whenever I'm home, in this situation, Ray's home. Ray's close to me so I don't really mind being half-naked around him. In fact, I've grown accustomed to it. He's just as the same whenever he's at our place.
"Isn't it already a little too late for you to get back home? The subway could be dangerous sometimes." Ray said as he looked at the time displayed on his clock. It shows 8:15 in bright red.
"I'm used to the subways." I brushed it off. "And it's not like I'm still a kid, you know."
"Or you could just crash here. I'll drive you back early tomorrow." He suggested, totally ignoring what I just said.
If it was days ago, I'd totally agree. Hell, I'll even say I'll crash at his place even before he offers it. Not today though. My heart is still beating aggressively against my ribcage, with all the emotions suddenly resurfacing.
"Nah, I'll pass." Now's probably not the best time to hang around him.
"I wasn't asking, though." He replied, with finality in his voice. I should've argued but I know too well how he is when he has already decided on something.
I dropped my shoulders, defeated. "Okay." I agreed nonetheless. This will be one long night, I thought to myself as I watched him get up from the bed.
"Come, let's make some dinner." He said, as he walked downstairs, with me following behind him. "And don't put on such a face. You're making it looks like it is so bad staying a night with me, at my place." He chuckled, his mood suddenly better than earlier.
I just watched him as he get raw food from his fridge. What is he even making? Didn't he just eat my mom's porridge? Is he hungry again?
I watched as he effortlessly prepare and cook the food. The way he swiftly moves around the kitchen make it seem like he's a chef or something. He isn't though. In fact, he's the Senior Editor at Lion Publishing, my mom's Publishing Company.
"Where did you learn how to cook?" I asked as he cooks.
"From chefs all over Youtube." He proudly answered. "I got better after years of practicing." He added.
"And here I am thinking you also studied at a culinary school." He laughed, maybe thinking it was funny or ridiculous.
"Do you want me to teach you?" he offered.
I shook my head before laughing at him. "Nah. I'm a better eater."
"Figured." He chuckled. He then turned the stove off, probably done cooking. "Besides, I could always cook for you."
I watched Ray as he put the food equally on two plates, his muscles flexing every now and then. The aroma of the food reached my nose and though I don't know how to cook, I could tell by the smell that it probably tastes good.
I involuntarily licked my lips. "Looks delicious. Smells delicious."
Ray's laughed boomed throughout the kitchen as he probably took notice of how delighted I look at the sight of the food. "It's just pasta."
"I know it's pasta but it isn't just a pasta, though." I argued though I too am not convinced with the difference of what I just said from what he said.
"Eat up." He said as he slid one of the plates towards me. "I know you're hungry."
"Hey!" I protested just as my stomach decided it would be the perfect timing to grumble.
"See?" he raised one of his brows, while looking at me.
Sometimes, I really am hating my own stomach. And to think that my heart is pounding loudly against my chest too. I might just die really early.

Ray of Moonlight
Romance"Blood is thicker than water they say Brighter than what they call the day And in terms of intimacy and love Will it freely fly in the sky like dove?" - Leo Morris