Once I got home, I immediately started packing my things. I can't seem to contain my excitement at the fact that Leo is coming to Seattle with me. I was sure happy when I heard the news about me going to Seattle but I was happier when my sister, Lucy, told me that Leo's tagging along.
The only problem now is how I'm going to restrain myself around Leo 24/7. It is sure a little more difficult than the work itself.
I finished packing my stuffs at around lunch time. I decided to just go to a fast-food restaurant nearby for my lunch. McDonald's it is, I thought as I walked out of my house and saw the place's sign in bright yellow.
Looking through the transparent glass enclosing the building, I noticed only a few people. That's great, I thought as I crossed the street.
The bells hanging above the door chimed as I pushed it open. "Welcome to McDonald's." the guard greeted. I smiled in return.
As I walk near the counter, I looked over the menu board. "Hi." The cashier greeted while rapidly batting her lashes at me. I would've responded accordingly if it was any other day. Not today though.
"Can I have a piece of chicken, wings if available, large fries, medium pineapple and a sundae." I told her my order.
"A piece of chicken wings, one large fries, one medium pineapple and one sundae." She repeated as she typed in my order. "Would that be all?" she asked.
"That would be 5.25 dollars." She informed me as she showed me the screen.
I brought out my wallet then took out 6 dollars. "Keep the change." I told her as I handed her the money. I'm feeling extra generous today.
"You can wait for your order by the claim counter." She told me as she handed me the receipt.
It didn't take long before my order arrived on a nice tray. I grabbed the tray and walked to the empty table by the corner.
I sat down and silently eat my food. I almost choked on my food when I noticed something written at the back of my receipt. A number. I looked back over to the counter and the cashier who placed my order waved at me before putting her hand right by her ear as if saying 'Call me.'
I chuckled to myself before I continued eating. Just like any other times.
When I finished eating, I made sure to put my trash in the right bins and placed my tray back at where the other trays are.
I felt eyes burning at my back as I walked out of the place but I didn't mind turning around. I crossed again the street and then walked straight into my house.
I lazily sprawled myself on the couch as I watch the time pass. I brought out my phone and started scrolling through Facebook.
A certain post caught my eyes and I clicked on it. It was just posted 5 minutes ago and Leo is tagged on the picture, the reason why I'm seeing it on my newsfeed.
Diane's the one who posted it and it's a picture of Leo seated on a chair, with his arms crossed on his chest, smiling at the camera. 'A much needed date before he goes somewhere far away.' The caption read with a red heart at the end.
The number of comments caught my attention and I clicked on it. They're a series of 'How sweet.', 'you two look good together.', and 'What a perfect couple.'
I felt suddenly jealous while reading the comments. "Not together, my ass." I muttered as I tossed my phone on the empty space beside me.
I felt my phone vibrates, signaling a notification arriving. I picked it back up and clicked on the notification.
It was Nate, my nephew who just got married recently, who mentioned me on the comment he put in Diane's post.
'Here's to another wedding of the year. 🥂 Keep up uncle Raymund, keep up." The comment says.
Though I'm feeling weird, I still played along. "Here's to another excuse for a free food. 😂 I'll be next after Leo. What do you say Leah?" I replied on the comment, tagging one of my close friends, Leah. I know she'll play along. She always is.
Minutes had passed before Leah typed back her reply. "I love to have a beach wedding. I'll be in my swim suit and you'll be in just your board shorts. I won't marry you if you don't agree."
I instantly laughed after reading her reply. Swim suit and board shorts in a wedding is so like her. I always knew that Leah would play along.
I typed back my reply. "Noted. Consider us married."
With a satisfied smile on my face, I placed my phone on top of the small center table. 'It's probably time to get ready.' I thought as I saw the clock on my wall.
I walked upstairs into my room and undressed myself. Instead of going into the bathroom, I walked in front of my human size mirror. I looked at the reflection of my naked self.
The color of my eyes is sure a standout. You can't actually miss a vibrant blue eyes if it's accompanied by fair skin and brunet hair. On top of that, I'm quite tall with a nice body, not too skinny but not fatty either. I have the right amount of fats in the right places.
I've got myself abs from all the working out accompanied by the v-line. I've got a nice ass and a blessed cock. Overall, I'm a good looking man with a nice body.
I run my fingers at the length of my member. I let out a moan and a silent grunt. I closed my eyes and instantly imagined Leo touching me.
I walked to my cabinet and grab the lubricant. I put a good amount on my length and started pumping myself. It felt so good.
I started slow, taking the time to pleasure myself, then pumped faster as I slowly feel a build-up. I pumped faster and faster accompanied by low moans and grunts until I finally reached my climax. I let out a loud moan as I released the substance, splattering over to my chest and hand. It felt warm.
I took some deep breaths before grabbing a tissue from the bedside table, wiping the semen off of my chest and hand and some that dropped on the floor. I entered the bathroom and tossed the tissue in the trash bin.
I walked into the shower and turned it on. I let the water cascade down my body. Turning it off, I washed my body with soap and my hair with shampoo. Once I'm done, I walked out the shower room, dried myself with my towel then blew dry my hair.
I walked out of the bathroom straight to the side of the bed. One by one, I put on the clothes that are laid on the bed. I decided to wear a black pullover, denim pants and black sneakers. Leaving my hair in a messy state, I grabbed my earphone, checked if everything is turned off, before walking downstairs.
With my luggage and bag quietly sitting by the door, everything is ready. As if on cue, I heard a knock at the door and I walked to open it. I am met with Leo in his black pullover, denim pants, black sneakers and messy hair. 'Matchy?' I thought as a smile find its way on my lips. Leo looked slightly shocked at the coincidence.
I turned back around to grab my phone from the table along with my black shades that will complete my outfit. I noticed that Leo also had a black shades hanging on his pullover.
I locked the door as Dominic helped Leo put my bag and my luggage in the trunk.
"Do you have your passport?" Lucy asked as I get in the car, beside Leo at the backseat.
"Yes." I answered as I remember putting it in my bag.
"Here are your tickets." She handed me the tickets. "The boarding passes are in there."
I gave them to Leo as I notice him holding his passport. "Here."
"You watch things over there for a month." Lucy informed me. "I already booked a hotel room for the two of you. I hope you don't mind sharing a room."
"Not at all." I answered while Leo replied with a 'Nah.'
When we arrived at the airport, I was surprised to see Diane near the entrance. When she saw the car approaching near her, she smiled widely.
Lucy was the one to get out of the car followed by Leo then me and finally, Dominic. "Didn't expect you to be here." Leo sounded surprised as Diane walked up to him.
Diane just smiled before saying. "Can't send you off without a proper goodbye." She stood on her tiptoes and quickly kiss Leo on the lips, surprising all of us, Leo included.
Lucy and Dominic's eyes were wide before they turned away. I, on the other hand, just watched them with my mouth hanging open. 'Not together, my foot.' I thought again.
When Diane broke the kiss, I heard her say "I'll wait for you." though it was just a whisper. Due to my close proximity to where they are, I heard her clearly.
"Okay." Leo managed to croak out, recovering from his moment of shock.
I, on the other hand, am getting fired up with jealousy. I didn't know I had it in me to be extremely jealous. Leo and I are not even together, hell he doesn't even know how I feel. 'Shit.' I thought to myself as I realized that I'm in so much deep trouble.
'This will probably become the longest month of my life.' I thought as I intensely looked at Leo.

Ray of Moonlight
Romance"Blood is thicker than water they say Brighter than what they call the day And in terms of intimacy and love Will it freely fly in the sky like dove?" - Leo Morris