Chapter 4: A Shortcut to the Mushrooms.

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Leaving the Shire seemed so simple and yet so hard. At least for Frodo and Sam it was. Gandalf had taken his horse but was walking it. Along with Sam, Frodo and Sansa. Sansa was glad that she was wearing pants. She could finally see why Arya liked wearing them. They had much more room for a person to walk in. 

"Come along, Samwise. Keep up." Gandalf ordered. "Be careful, Frodo. The enemy has many spies in his service. Birds, beasts."

"Birds?" Sansa asked.

"Yes. Of course, birds. Miss. Stark." Gandalf answered. He then turned to Frodo. "Is it safe?"

Frodo felt the ring in his shirt pocket.

"Never put it on, for the agents of The Dark Lord will be drawn to its power. Always remember Frodo. The Ring is trying to get back to its Master. It wants to be found." Gandalf warned. He then galloped away from the others. Leaving the three on their own.

Sam had turned to Frodo in a motion that they should get moving. And true to Gandalf's word, the three stayed on the Cross Country path, and avoiding the road. And walking beyond farmland, waterfalls, and corn fields.

"Have you ever walked this far, Sansa?" Frodo asked.

"No. I've never really been much of a hiker." Sansa answered. She could already feel exhausted. "I'm okay though. There's worse things to suffer some. But that was when Sam suddenly stopped.

"This is it." Sam announced.

"This is what?" Frodo asked.

"If I take one more step. It'll be the farthest away from home, I've ever been." Sam answered.

Frodo smiled and went back to Sam. "Come on Sam." And he motioned Sam to go forward. "Remember what Bilbo used to say: It's a dangerous business Frodo. Going out your door. You step onto the road. And if you don't kick your feet. There's no knowing where you might be swept off to." 

Sansa couldn't argue that one. She would have to remember that.

They stopped to make some camp at a little clearing. Sam was making some sausage on a fire. As Frodo was smoking a pipe by the tree. "Want some, Sansa?" He asked.

"Pass." Sansa answered. "I've never been much for smoking."

"Some Sausages?" Sam offered.

Sansa shrugged and ate one. It tasted good. "Hm. If only we had some Lemon Cakes. That would be a treat." She commented.

"What we really need is some Potatoes. Boil em. Mash em. Stick em in a stew." Sam said. "And some pieces of Nice Crispy Bacon." And Sansa could swear that she could feel her mouth start to water up. Somehow that sausage now seemed like a quick road snack.  

That was when Frodo could hear some singing. "Guys."

The singing sounded louder. And Sansa could hear it too. It sounded angelic. "Wood Elves." Frodo said.

They went up a hill to see and behind a log to see a trail of Wood Elves going west.

"What are they doing?" Sansa asked.

"They're going to the Harbor beyond the White Tower. To the Grey Havens." Frodo answered. 

"They're leaving Middle Earth. Never to return." Sam said. "I don't know why. But, it makes me sad."

Sansa looked at Sam looking more intrigued than that time her Brothers when they saw Ice for the First Time. Ice being the Ancestral Sword of House Stark.

"Sam's always had a interest in Elven Culture." Frodo explained.

"They sound... interesting." Sansa commented looking at the passing Elves.

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