• Eye-patch can laugh? •

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A/N: Piratedad & vigilanteson <3

Aunt May was a friend of a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and gave them Peter because she was not able to support them both but later the agent died and Peter was taken in by Nick Fury.

Nick Fury is still the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. The Avengers have worked with Spiderman but Nick Fury is the only person
who knows Spiderman identity.

The Avengers are on 'break' when they suddenly get an emergency call from Nick Fury's office expecting it to be an mission, it is far from that.

Tony Stark POV:

Me and the team where currently doing "bonding" as Eyepatch liked to call it, actually Im not sure if he likes to call it that but he does anyway so what's the difference?

Were currently playing monopoly and obviously we know who's winning-

"Natasha!" I yelled as I saw that she just bought the fourth train station that I needed.

Damn it, that woman is just lucky.

As I think that she starts glaring at me.

Can she read minds or something?

Natasha stops glaring at me but as she does our game was interrupted.

"Sir, I am getting an emergency call from 'Angry pirate man with an eye-patch'." F.R.I.D.A.Y. said.

"And he said that no more missions for this week," Clint said rolling his eyes.

"Were heroes, do you really think villains just come and tell us when their going to do something so we can plan our break?" Steve responded getting up from the couch.

"But they do!" Clint replied right away.

"Huh?" Wanda said in response.

"Yeah before killing us or something, they always tell us their plans." Clint responded while Pirate was still calling.

"Yeah, well that's after we have already been kidnapped." I responded tiredly.

"Whatever." Clint responded pouting while Nat patted his back with fake sympathy.

"Uh guys, the call?" Steve said.

"Oh right, shit." I replied before saying "Answer call, baby girl,"

"You gotta stop calling her that," Steve said disappointed, it isn't even his problem like dayum who hurt u today?

"The call?" Wanda said quietly.

"We seriously have too many people with ADHD here." I respond while standing up.

"Huh where's eye-patch his not on the video call?" I ask noticing he isn't sitting in his chair and neither is he standing at the window like he usually does for "dramatic effect" as Birdbrain says.

Right when I was about to say that maybe something bad happened I heard running from the calls audio which in most situations confirms that something bad has happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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