Author's Note

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Hi there, it's me again. This is just another Author's Note but I just want to say:

You are amazing for reading this story, thank you. :)

So guys I want to know what you think of the story so far.

What do you think of the different point of views?

Are you guys shipping anyone together yet?

What do you think of The Protector or better known as Guy?

What do you think of the nickname Guy?

What do you think about the story Guy told them about the original Holders?

Do you believe they are The Holders?

What do you think about the whole concept of The Holders?

What do you think about the monster and that it swore to rise again in 1000 years?

I want to know everything you think about the story. Every last detail down the James' eye colour.

Please comment. I would love to know your feelings and thoughts about the story so far.

Your comments really help me write my story and improve it.

I can't believe this story has over 100 views, I know it might not seem like a lot but it is to me.

Thanks again for reading my story, you guys are the best!


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