Chapter 7 - James

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What? Wait... what?

I looked around confused at the others. Leon and Talia immediately started talking. Asking Guy a million questions, constantly telling him that it wasn't true. They were both pretty stubborn.

Zara was looking down at the books deep in thought. I wish I knew what she was thinking.

I looked back down at my book. The book looked used and loved. As I stared at it I could imagine it being alive. I could imagine children running across the field of moss and adventurers climbing up the daring vines.

"Hey guys. Talia, Leon... shut up!" Zara said firmly. After a moment they both stopped talking. All three of us stared at Zara. She shrugged then said "Well, it makes sense."

"What?" Talia asked, she didn't expect Zara to say that.

"Are you saying that you believe this, that you believe him?" Leon said referring to Guy.

Zara looked offended, she stared at Leon. "What do you think those monsters were? Some guys in a costume?" There was a pause before Zara slumped back in her chair, staring at the floor.

"She has a point." I said finally. "Why would he tell us a lie that unbelievable?"

Talia opened her mouth to say something then stopped as if she was trying to figure out what to say.

"Did you expect us to believe the story easily?" I asked Guy. He thought for a moment before shrugging.

"I've had to tell this story a lot to a lot of different people. For me it's a very believable story."

How could he have told the story a lot? Wouldn't it have to be told every 50 years? He only looked 20 something.

Before I could ask Guy asked his own question.
"How old do you think I am?"

I shrugged "23 maybe."
"19?" Talia suggested
"I think 25." Leon said unsure.
"Older than you look." Zara decided.
Me, Talia and Leon turned to look at her but she was looking at Guy.

"I'm 1127 years old." Guy finally said. "There used to be many more people like me but when the monster ruled the world everyone was wiped out. I'm the only one left."

Nobody said anything until Talia broke the silence.
"Okay if -if- this is true. Why tell us?"
"What do you mean?" Guy asked.

"Well you said that the world's okay as long as we're alive." Talia said. "So why tell us? Can't we just live normal lives without knowing all of this. Doesn't knowing put us in more danger?"

"That's a good point." Guy stated "But if you don't know then you can't fight the monsters. Monsters seem to catch your scent when you turn 16. They will try to kill you. Somebody's trying to kill you. Monsters do not coincidently find you. Monsters are always sent by someone."

"That's why I'm taking you somewhere safe."
"Holder's Island."

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