chapter 4

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"Hello?" Quackity heard a sweet, charming voice from the other end of the phone. A feminine voice always laced with care.

"H-hey Jen," His voice was nothing but the pieces of himself he had lost trying to force together a puzzle that was clearly missing pieces in the first place. He tried to sniffle it all back back, but to no avail. Without the loud music in his ears it was much easier to hear his mother and her guest.

"Oh Q... so broken and in love..." Her voice was sincere. Nothing harsh or sarcastic. Just pure concern for the confused boy on the other end of the line.

"I don't know why I called. I don't really have anything to say..." He started drifting off until he remembered something. Something he always loved about Jennifer. Something that always made him calm, no matter the circumstance.

"Jennifer do you-" He took a deep inhale and let it out in a shaky exhale. "Do you think you could sing to me?"

"Of course, Big Q," god she was as sweet as sugar! You could practically hear her soft smile of care from the other end of the phone, and with that, she started singing.

She went through a few songs, starting with "we fell in love in october" by girl in red, and ending with "505" by Arctic Monkeys. By the time she had finished, Quackity had dozed off to sleep. His problems could wait. School could wait. Karl and Sapnap could wait. He just let the melody of Jen's voice drift him asleep. Somewhere his problems couldn't reach him.

He woke up to the blaring and annoying noise of his alarm he had set on his phone. He turned the alarm off with a groan and immediately just threw on the closest clothes he could find that were clean. He threw his shoes on and grabbed his bag, keys, headphone, and phone.

He then proceeded to walk down the stairs and out the door. He never really ate in the morning. Nothing to do with how he looked or anything, he just preferred eating later in the day. But Karl never liked this so he always brought something small and would force Quackity to eat it whether it meant being late to first period or not.

Quackity put his earbuds in his ear and played his album on full volume, not paying any mind to the world around him or the thoughts swirling in his head that he was purposefully avoiding.

As he started approaching the school he saw two familiar boys laughing and holding each other close. George and Dream. God were those two lovebirds. They could barely go two hours without at least texting the other and would always hold hands in the hall, cuddle in the library, and make out under the stairs.

He just rolled his eyes as he headed to his locker. He shut his locker after grabbing everything he needed and jumped at the sudden appearance of Karl Jacobs himself, holding a bag of goldfish and gesturing it towards Quackity.

Quackity sighed, realizing that there really was no way of getting out of this, grabbed the bag, and started eating. Karl didn't say anything as he watched Quackity eat, and Quackity didn't say anything either. But he felt something.

Those damn butterflies were back, and the fluttering only picked up when Sapnap walked over, holding a monster in one hand and a coke in the other. He handed the monster to Karl in an over dramatic and elegant way that made Karl giggle, which made the butterflies pick up even more. Then Sapnap looked in Quackity's direction and handed him the coke.

"I always see Karl bring you food in the mornings but never a drink. I just thought it would be nice to have something other than plain old water to wash down the food, yanno?"

Karl gasped. "Sapnap you're right I never even thought about drinks!!"

"Yeah well; I'm awesome like that I guess," Sapnap joked, leaning up against the locker and wrapping one arm around Karl.

And the feeling Quackity felt when Sapnap did that. When Sapnap wrapped his arm around Karl? Oh how he wanted to be a part of that.

He wanted Karl to hold him close and he wanted Sapnap to lightly play with his hair in the mornings. Giving him just enough comfort and love to get the day going. Unfortunately for him however, those two seemed so incredibly in love, and he was so incredibly scared of fucking everything up.

So he kept quiet. He wouldn't say or do anything that could slightly topple over the relationship the two boys had managed to build. He needed to figure out why he felt this way before he could make any moves anyways.

He would kill to be held by one of those boys. Karl's hugs always felt so soft and warm. Sapnap never really let people hug him unless they were close to him. Karl gets to all the time now and Quackity got to once earlier in the year. The hug also felt warm, but the softness was replaced with protectiveness and care.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by the bell signalling everyone to go to first period. He grabbed his stuff, including the coke Sapnap had thoughtfully bought for him, and started heading to the first class of many.

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