chapter 9

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Quackity stood admiring the room, too oblivious to notice the side conversation the couple was having. "He has no right to be that cute," Sapnap commented, leaning close to Karl.

Karl nodded and giggled in response. He wrapped one arm around Sapnap and dragged his hand up and down his side in a comforting motion, "There, there."

"Karl," Sapnap started, his tone turning serious as he looked up at the taller male, "I want him to be a part of this. Is that bad?"

Karl stared off at Quackity, seemingly in thought before speaking. "Remember last night when he fell asleep on your shoulder and I asked if it was wrong to find him cute?"


"Remember how you agreed with me?"

"What're you getting at Karl?"

"What I'm trying to get at is- you can't think it's bad if you agree with the statement. Well- that also depends on the statement but I did do some more digging into the 'polyamorous' thing I was talking about in the car, and I think- I think that's what we're feeling. A desire to have a relationship with more than one person," Karl's words were spat out fast.

Sapnap's eyes widened as Karl's words started to process in his brain. He looked to Quackity, and then back to Karl, and he nodded firmly. "Should we tell him?"

"Not right now. I think he's still recovering slightly from what happened at the mall. Let's wait till later tonight, okay?"

Sapnap nodded. "Okay."

When the two males had finished their conversation, they turned to see Quackity not paying attention to them in the slightest. He had found a Rubix cube on Karl's desk that he dedicated his attention to. The sight made Karl and Sapnap smile to themselves; Quackity sitting on the gaming chair in front of Karl's desk as his legs crossed and he worked away at the puzzle.

Sapnap walked over, grabbed the cube from the smallers hands, and placed it on the desk, earning a sound of disbelief. "How dare you," Quackity glared at Sapnap as he leaned back into the chair. Sapnap just smirked before walking over to the tv in Karl's room and pulling the switch controllers out from the console. "Who thinks they can take me in Mario Kart?"

And just like that, the trio spent hours on the switch. They played Mario Kart before switching to Mario Party and then back to Mario Kart. At one point, Karl wanted to check on his Animal Crossing island and show the other two around. After about 3 hours of that, Quackity noticed the time.

"Holy shit- guys it's already 8. What time do you guys usually eat dinner?"

Sapnap shrugged. "Depends, honestly. Though I usually eat around this time."

"Are you guys even hungry? If you are, I can order pizza but we also just ate only 3 hours ago," Karl commented, pulling out his phone.

Quackity looked at Sapnap. "I mean I'm not starving but I'm always down for pizza."

Sapnap hummed in agreement before getting up and stretching. "I'm gonna head to the restroom real quick. Y'all better not get up to anything in here while I'm gone," He joked, throwing Quackity's beanie off and ruffling his hair as he passed him.

Quackity was quick to whip around and put his beanie back on. He rolled his eyes before scooting closer to Karl. "Wow look how scandalous I'm being, I really hope Sapnap can't hear us right now," Quackity spoke with pure sarcasm as he smiled lightly. Karl giggled at the statement, shooting butterflies through Quackity's stomach.

It didn't take long for Sapnap to walk back in and plop down on a bean bag. "What kind of pizza do you want?" Karl questioned. "Cheese? Make it simple?" Quackity suggested, reaching towards his stuff and grabbing the duck plush Sapnap had purchased for him at the mall.

The action made Sapnap smile as he nodded in agreement with Quackity's statement. Karl placed the order for the pizza and watched as the others played another competitive round of Mario Kart.

Karl brought the pizza up once it had arrived. "You're allowed to eat in your room?" Quackity questioned, taking a slice. "Perks of never having parents home. What do you guys want to drink?"

Quackity shrugged. "Just water, I guess."

Karl nodded. "Sapnap?"


Karl proceeded to reach into the hidden mini fridge under his desk and whip out 2 bottles of water and 1 can of monster. "YOU HAVE A FUCKING MINI FRIDGE?!?!" Quackity asked, both shocked and excited about the new discovery in the room.

Karl laughed in response, tossing the waters. "Like I said," He paused to take a seat on his bed, "No parents."

The three ate their food as casual banter filled the room. Quackity felt his eyes trail back to the picture hung on the wall of them in the creek; He felt so amazing when he was around these boys. So light and carefree and safe. He felt loved and he felt in love.

Because that's what he was.

In love.

room for one more (karlnapity high school au)Where stories live. Discover now