Fragile Shadows

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Like a ghost I watch
Bold and unseen at the same time
You know I am here
But you don't come to find me
I just watch and wait

Like a shadow I hide
Residing in plain sight
It is only in the sun that I am found
Scared to see what lies ahead, you leave
Leaving me behind once again
I just watch and wait

Like a Dreamer I am hopeful
Wanting for change
Even though I seldom accept it
Ignoring the flaws
Only to drown in them
I just watch and wait

Like tinted glass I am fragile
You can't see everything
A film covers the layers buried deep inside
Strong when needed
But alone I feel helpless
I just watch and wait

I am like a ghost
And A shadow
And a dreamer
And Tinted glass
I am mostly just confused
So I just watch and wait.

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