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[Your POV]

I stopped by at the school gate and placed my skateboard on my hand and started walking through the door, there I see the brats waiting for their homework. I stop by them and handed the papers in their hands. Well not before getting bullied, again.

"Haha, always so obedient aren't you faceache?" They said and started howling in laughter, they pushed me through the stairs but luckily thanks to my fast reflexes I grabbed the handle safely.
They grunt and just walked away, I walk through the halls and didn't mind the whispers cuz idfc, I stopped by at the principal's office and knocked.

"Who's there?" The principal asked, I thought of something funny and told him a joke.

"Dishes." I said while chuckling. "Dishes who?" He asked.

"Dishes a very bad joke." And then I heard a howl of laughter through the other side like it was the best joke he ever heard. And then he let's me in.

"Well hello there my favourite student (Y/N)!" He said happily seeing me. "Hello to you too dad." I said while chuckling. Yes, he let's me call him dad because of how our relationship was, he knew what happened to me and helped me. So I kinda just go with the flow, I mean, it's not bad to seek for help right? Exactly.

"Anyways why are you here dear?" Dad asked. "Well uhm... Uh.. Can crimson be with me in class? There's something important that I have to do with him..." I shyly asked while sitting casually in the office sofa. "Of course you can dear, anything for you." He said smiling. I let out a 'heck yea' whisper-shout and I hugged him while giggling. He returned the hug.

"Can I also have my guitar dad?" I asked. "Oh right, I remember you left it in this office, here you go dear." He said. "Thanks dad! Welp, see ya-- gotta get to my locker lol." I said, he nodded and let's me leave.

I really felt like I was being watched,

but i just shrugged it off.

I walked through my locker and opened it, I put my camera, phone and guitar inside, don't worry it's head to toe full sized locker, heh.
I locked it and headed to the classroom, I put my skateboard on side of my table on the window. And then I let out crimson and played video games with him while my head was on the table.

[??? POV]

I got through the school gates and walked in the door entrance, I heard whispers but I didn't let that get me. I walked to the hallway through the principal's office, I was going to knock but I heard talking and... Laughter..? I eavesdrop and listen through the door. I heard a soft calming voice inside, it's a girl's voice, it's pretty cute. WAIT-- WHAT?! DUDE NO. ugh.. Stupid feelings. Anyways, I heard them say goodbye to eachother, the girl started to walk through the door and I panicked, so I teleported by the side of the office, hoping she wouldn't see me. And so the girl was gone and I was relived, I walked inside the room and saw a man looking relaxed or whatever.

"Ah! You must be the new student, Gaster Sans isn't it?" He asked, I nodded and he gave me a paper with schedules on it, not gonna lie THAT'S A LOT. But I don't mind, I bid goodbye and walked through my assigned classroom. 'A-3, A-5, Aha! A-6.'  I thought myself. I walked in and... And--... I saw the girl from the villa earlier, she's facing the window while her head was down on the table and her robot was accompanying her, I saw that she's kind of pretty lonely so I just took the seat in front of her. I kinda wanna talk to her but fuck I'm nervous as hell, I peeked a little bit and I saw her face, it was gorgeous. 'WAIT WTF SANS NO--'

"Sans yes."

"Shut up dad." I thought myself.

"Come on sans you don't have to hide it, you like her."

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