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Wednesday | 6:20 am


[Your POV]

I woke up in a sound of an alarm clock, I didn't want to get off my bed yet so I clicked the snooze button and get back to bed, only to be awoken by my loyal butler-like baby RB1 'crimson pocket'.

"Master! Master! It's time for you to wake up! You have 17 minutes before going to school, master please wake up!" Crimson said while rocking me back and forth.

"Jeez pocks no need to make my head hurts..." I said while groaning. I get up and ordered crimson to tell chicka to get my breakfast ready. I walk inside the bathroom and washed my body, after that I get out of my fancí bathtub and took the towels and put them in my hair and body.

"BMO!! CAN YOU GET MY CLOTHES??" I called, getting out of the bathroom. Moments later bmo got my clothes and gave it to me. It was a (F/C) hooded long sleeved crop top and a black short-jean jumper, I got my brown thigh high stockings and a (F/C) converse. I put my (H/L) (H/C) hair in (H/S). I headed out in my gigantic bedroom and go to the kitchen, inside there was a Maid-like tall RB2 placing my breakfast in the side table.

"Thanks chicka, by the way can you get my glasses? I don't want to forgot about it like what happened yesterday." I said. yes I wear glasses because of my low eye sight on letters, but I can still see so I don't use it often. After I was done eating chicka gave me my round (F/C) glasses and I wore it. I was heading to the sink to brush my teeth and chicka gave me my backpack, alongside with the test papers and projects I did for the bratz and me. I was done brushing my teeth and headed to the table to get my (F/C) skateboard and the house keys. I grabbed my (F/C) camera on the sofa table. Crimson became head size flying RB1 and I gave him what I was holding, of course it was the projects. He put it inside his metal head and we headed out of the mansion.

I was completely outside and saw a truck beside the house in front of us 'looks like someone's moving in... Huh, new neighbors I guess. Welp, I don't give a damn.' I told myself. I ready my skateboard and ride on it, I put my hood on and put the camera lace on my neck. I got my phone and airpods out and put them in my ear, I picked my favourite song called (F/S) and put my phone back on my pocket and started skateboarding on the path way through the school.

Little did i know was someone was watching me.

[??? POV]

I moved in this villa that has 5 stars review, I bought the house that was in front of a pretty big mansion, not gonna lie it was awesome. My bro and I finished unpacking yesterday and I enrolled on this school named
"Saint Jordan Elite High" because why not, I wanna learn more plus I'm gonna be dead-BONES if my bro finds me "UnPrOdUcTiVe" and so I just told him I want to go on a school. Even though I knew stuffs already, I just feel like it.

I was getting ready for school and I saw the owner of the mansion, they have a (H/L) (H/C) hair, gotta say they're pretty cute. 'Do they live alone?' I thought myself seeing she have the house keys, I notice they have a flying thing around them, helping them on stuffs.. its so cool-- wonder if alphs can make me one too.. they're also holding a camera and put the lace on their neck. 'Huh, must be a photographer...' I thought, I feel a little excitement inside me wanting to know this person more. They started to drive their skateboard on the way and I just remembered I still have to go to school. I packed my stuffs and bid my bro goodbye, I went on the door and open it. Being greeted by a refreshing wind and I started walking to school.

word count :3 ↓

[737 words]

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