=[ FRIENDS...? ]=

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Thursday | 6:40 pm

×the man next door×

G: oi, u awake yet?

G: woman yer gonna be late.

G: (Y/N)!!

(Y/N): ffs whaatt??


(Y/N): dud really?


(Y/N): ugh what the hell G it's still 6:42 in the morning, and school starts at 8:40.

G: oh...

(Y/N): pfft.. Whatever, since ya already woke me up before crimson does, I'll thank ya for it lol.

G: who's crimson..?

(Y/N): oh, the RB1 I told ya about yesterday

G: OoHh, coolio

(Y/N): anyways, I'll go get ready now. CyA bOnEs :]

G: cYa MeAt :]

(Y/N): thaatt sounds weird.

G: heh. Now go get ready

(Y/N): yes dad :']

[Your POV]

After texting G I called crimson to get me some clothes and tell chicka to get my breakfast ready, it was (F/F) with (F/D).
I walk into the bathroom and do whatever people do in the bathroom. Of course shower, u pervert.

After I was done I saw my clothes in my bed, neatly folded.
It was a (F/C) long sleeved silky buttoned polo with black turtleneck sleeveless sweater inside, tucked in a black pants. I put my (F/C) combat boots and started heading towards the door. I walked inside the kitchen and saw my breakfast, I took a seat and start eating. After I was done I asked crimson to get my paper projects and put it inside of his head, then I get my stuffs and put it in my bag.

I put the lace of my camera on my neck and put my phone on my pocket. I didn't bring my skateboard today because I'm going to walk with G, I headed towards the door and opened it, there I see him standing in front of me.

"Heyya sweets." He said while winking, I shove him playfully and I locked my door and we started walking.

On the walking session, we were just talking and telling puns and jokes, it was hilarious--...

"Ok, ok, my turn." G said. And I nodded. "What language does santa speaks?" He asked, "I don't know-- what?" I asked him confused. "North polish." He said while his grin was getting wider, I snorted and laughed very loudly, and he joined.

"Ight, my turn!" I said excitedly. "What do you call a reindeer with earmuffs on?" I asked him, he shrugged and said, "what?" I giggled and said, "anything you want, he can't hear you anyway." And boom, we were laughing our asses off the cliff. All I can say is, I'm glad there's someone who can be beside me now.

[G's POV]

Oh boy, being with her is super worth it. Didn't knew she was a pun and a joke lover like me but I'm glad someone can be in my right phalange now heh. We were still walking until we saw an ice cream shop, (Y/N) tugged my sleeve and I looked at her.

"dude let's go to the ice cream shop, I wanna buy one." She asked me and I looked at her in confusion, and I said "ice cream in this early morning..?" She nods. "yea! It's normal for me hehe, kinda do that everytime." She said while fiddling her fingers and looking down in shyness. I smiled at her then pats her head, she looked at me angrily and fixed her hair while I laughed at how messy it is and walked inside the ice cream shop, she followed me and then we looked inside, it was huge--...

She then go to the counter and picked her flavor, she looked at me and gave me a sign to go at her, she then asked "what flavor do you want?" I looked at her confusingly and said "wha- sweets no need to, I'm not hungry anyway.." She looked at me downly and insisted to until I gave up and told her it was vanilla and she nods happily.

Few moments later the guy came to us and gave our ice cream, and dang it was in a medium sized cup. I gave her some g to pay the ice cream but she didn't took it and said "bruh no need to, I insisted right? Plus it's a treat heh." She said happily while eating her ice cream. And we started walking, it was still 7:20, we saw a park and I asked her if she wants to go there and she nodded.

We got to the park and sat on the bench, feeling good after eating those sweets she bought. We were telling puns to eachother and laughing like a maniac, until we heard a soft meowing sound on the bushes beside ours and (Y/N) looked at it confusingly, she then walks to it and open the bushes only to see a crying kitten, her eyes widened like a fish pond and looked at me excitedly.

She picks it up and walks to me to show me the kitten. "Can we keep it..?" She asked me with puppy dog eyes attached to her face. "dunno' doll-- the school doesn't allow pets inside remember?" I said. She thinks for a moment and a lightbulb pops above her head.

"You know.. We can put this lil' fella on a box and ask dad to keep them in his office for a while and when we're done at classes we can pick shawty and head home!" She said while beaming in hope. I couldn't say no to that-- I just shrugged and nodded my head in agreement.

"YAYY!! WE'RE GONNA BE A PARENT!" she said excitedly. 'Parents?!' My thoughts interrupted when she said "I'm gonna be a mom and you gonna be her dad." Is she out of her mind?! What is she even saying?! I felt my face gets warmer and avoided her gaze.

word count :3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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