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4 years later

"Stupid brother! Walk faster!"

"My sweet little sis. Wait up! You know I can't walk as fast as you, and I can't see where we're going!"

"You idiot! It's a surprise. Just hold my hand and follow me!"

"Ahh! Don't pinch my hand! It hurts!"

"Stop whining! We're almost there."

The soft tinkling of bells told me we were in a shop. The floor boards creaked softly as two pairs of shoes thundered across. A hand turned my body sideways and put my hands on a cold surface. Something soft and silky dropped into my open palms. I paused and slowly felt around.

"This is...a ribbon?" I asked, feeling the smooth texture and the sharp edges.

"Happy birthday, stupid brother." Even though I can't see her expression, I knew that she was smiling softly.

I stretched the corners of my mouth and smiled brightly. "What color is it?"


"That's a nice color." I nodded.

"Of course, stupid brother."

"Haaa." I sat up from the fluffy bed. There was wetness on my cheeks, and my vision was blurred. In my past life, I was born blind. My eyes bled when light penetrated them, so I had to tie a blindfold over them so I won't open them on accident. I grew up without colors. I knew my brother had short, spiky hair, and my sister had long, fluffy hair, black as ebony. I was the only one in my family to have white hair. In this life, I was born with golden hair and navy blue eyes. I was lucky, to have a second chance at life and the ability to see.

Reaching behind me, I pulled on a thin tassel, and soon, my nanny came in with maids holding clothing and accessories. "Good morning, young master. Did you have a nice rest?"

I nodded, stretching my chubby arms above my head.

"My," the nanny exclaimed, her eyes filled with pleasant surprise. "The young master actually wants a hug today?"

"It's my birthday. pweese?" I opened my eyes wide and begged. I had come up with the ultimate plan for the rest of my life. I will pretend to be naive and cute, and make full use of my appearance. The servants will fall in love with the "sweet" and "lovable" me, and will start supporting me. I will also establish my status as the naive and slight stupid Bedivere heir when I come of age so no one would see me as a threat and attack me. After all, why would anyone resort to brute force when they can just manipulate? This will surely pave the way for a sweet life!

The nanny laughed and hugged me tightly. "Now, let's get you dressed, young master! Everyone is excited for your 5th birthday!"

I smiled happily, flashing my dimples at the maids stationed around the room, and they swooned and staggered around. One even fainted and had to be dragged out the room. The nanny, who had witnessed my smile everyday, managed to stand her grounds, but the corners of her lips still twitched severely.

"Young master, are you trying to kill us all?" The nanny asked chidingly.

"No! I'm just so hapwy to see you all!" I giggled bashfully.

"The lord has passed out the law that the only ones who are allowed to see your smile would be me, his lordship and her ladyship. The maids are no exception."

"Then...keep this a secret?" I asked, putting a finger on my lips.

"Ahhh!" The maids screamed. "Too cute!" Another few dropped onto the ground, and the nanny's nose started bleeding.

"Nanny," I called. "You have blood on your face."

The older woman cleared her throat and looked away, dabbing at her nose. "It's been too dry these days, let's go, young master, we're going to be late."

Two maids stepped forward with a white drawstring shirt, a pair of short black pants, and a Scarlett cloak lined with gold.

My nanny lifted me up and walked to a large mirror at the opposite end of my bedroom. "How is today's outfit, young master?"

I leaned forward and placed my face close to the mirror. Shoulder-length golden hair like fine-spun gold, sky blue eyes that projected angelic innocence, framed by thin and long eyelashes. Porcelain cheeks with hints of pink and cherry red lips that were soft and full. The beloved child of the Bedivere house. Augustus Christine Bedivere.

"Young master is the most gorgeous child in the world!"

"That's right!"

"He's too beautiful!"

"He's an angel from heaven!"

The maids couldn't hold it in and declared loudly together, and this went on for several minutes until the nanny could calm them down.

"Thank you," I smiled shyly, lowering my eyelashes. A slight blush came to my cheeks, and the entire room exploded in screams.

"Now, now, no time to lose, the lord and the lady is waiting!" The nanny hurriedly carried me out of the room, not stopping until we reached the dinning room door. Over the four years, she had developed thick muscles on her legs and arms from all the times she spent running away with me from fanatic maids and civilians who keep trying pinch my cheeks. I felt a bit guilty, knowing that I was the cause, but well, I need to make use of my youth and win supporters in the territory! I'm sorry nanny, but you'll have to suffer for a few more years!

The doors were opened by the soldiers on both sides of the door, revealing a man and a woman sitting at the table. My father and step-mother. My father had golden hair and green eyes, with a youthful face that could woo girls despite his age. My step-mother was Silvia Grant, now Bedivere, a commoner who married father two years after mother died. She had silver hair that glowed like moonlight and brown eyes that always glowed passionately. Even though she had married into the duke's household, she never because vain or irresponsible. She governed the house strictly and even helped my father with his work when she had time. She also loved me deeply, showering hugs and kisses on me all day long.

"My baby!" She cried, standing up excitedly when she saw me. The nanny immediately dropped into a perfect half-curtsy and handed me to her gently. She immediately started to pinch and knead my cheeks. "Oh, darling, did you miss mommy? Mommy missed you so much, my love! My little star, oh how much I love you!" She dropped kisses on my forehead and twirled me around until I was dizzy. "My little Augie!"

"That's enough, Silvia," Father said, putting down the document he was holding. "You're hoarding him." He made his way around the table and took me in his arms.

"Good morning, son. Happy birthday!" He hugged me until I felt like suffocating before setting me down on the chair next to him.

"Wait, you liar!" Mother pointed at father accusingly. "It's MY turn to sit with Augie. You sat with him yesterday."

"No, you sat with him yesterday. You smeared jam onto his face, remember?"

"I did not! Stop trying to trick me!"

"You did! Right Augie?"

"Augie dearest, that liar sat with you yesterday, right?"

I looked at those two expectant gazes blankly before smiling angelically as if I didn't understand them. "I love you!"

Mother's hands that were holding onto father's shirt relaxed, and father put down the hand that was about to slam the table.

"Yes, yes, we love you too!" They sat down dazedly and smiled, their minds drifting to who knows where.

Then, they started laughing manically before each reaching out a hand to pinch my cheeks before shoving food into my mouth so fast I could barely chew. "Um, mommy, slow down! I can't chew that much, daddy! Someone help me!"

They laughed ecstatically and stuffed more food in, until my stomach was bulging like a balloon. Even then, I wasn't allowed to leave until they messed up my hair and hugged me to their content.

Ah, what a hard life it is.

My lazy life as the protagonist's brotherWhere stories live. Discover now