❆ Chapter 5 ❆

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{📝} Bad spelling, Bad grammar and confusing chapter (I think)
{‼️}  Lot Swearing
*_Nobody PO V_*
Meanwhile in DreamSMP:
Days or maybe weeks have gone passed by after Dream escaped, Everyone in the server was madly pissed at Sam, who's the one guarded, providing to not let a dangerous and Manipulate asshole out.

"Sam, how the fuck did you let the bitch escape?!" Quackity yelled at Sam, grabbing him tightly and waiting for an answer. Sam is ashamed of himself (after all he's the Warden so purposely guarding it) but protested back.

"How I so purpose know that? The prisoner doesn't have any items in his inventory," complained Sam, all most choked by Quackity.

"Quackity, Sam has a point. There was no way Dream could escape that expertly without any useful items." George replied. Quackity looked at George and back to Sam before let him go.

Quackity disputed George's point.

"But you prevailed watching him carefully, right sam? responded Niki, looking at the Creeper-hybrid.

Sam nodded.

Numerous arguments and protests against each other.
"ENOUGH! There is no time to be arguing with each other. For now, we need to come up with a plan to recapture Dream or he will provoke more and more chaos and destruction around the server." shouted Punz, getting everyone's attention.

All eyes looked at each other before agreeing with Punz's speech.

Time to recapture this sick, manipulate fucking bastard back to prison.


After 1 hour (how long do you have to put the fire out man) of putting the God damn blazing fire down which, that shouldn't have even happened (like who the fuck even started it the damn fire anyway and Phil almost died from burning)

Ghostbur sighed in relief like It's finally over as he just arrived at the scene and the same goes to the young one, who just arrived as well but hid behind him (kinda like using Ghostbur as a shield) dragging the warm, navy blue blanket, tightly holding it and Ghostbur's yellowish jumper.

And here it comes the argument between 3 idiots (even though Techno didn't get help them)

"That's your fault!" Tommy shouted, pointed at Phil.


"Me?! Excuse me, I'm not the one who started fucking fire and also I almost got died from burning!!" Phil spoke angrily.
And Techno looked at both of them like 'you fucking serious' and just lining against the, crossed arm and watched.

'This won't go very well..." as the ghost got between Birdza and the child- I mean Tommy and convinces them to stop, leaving the poor innocent boy, who feel extremely unsafe without the Ghostbur with him.
(He just hid behind the wall and just looking/watching what going to happen)

"Guys, calm down! You guys are scari—" But interrupted. The Ghost begged Phil and Tommy to stop arguing with each other as he tried many possible tenses to calm down both but miserly failed multiple times.

Techno is slowly going to lose his patience in the moment if Birdza and the child stopped arguing about who started the fucking fire.

On the other hand, he doesn't like what is happening, covering his pale, cold ears and tried not to listen.
Arguing with each other, which he physically hate.

Surprisingly, the unexpected furiously voice kinda sounds like a beast that came out of nowhere cause Phil and Tommy to stop fighting, both looked at Techno, who is madly pissed.
( Angry blood god )

"WILL BOTH OF YOU ASSHOLE SHUT THE UP! Jesus, do I have to shout that loud to stop this pitiful argument? That is just childish and also Tommy,

Tommy looked at Techno, waiting for what he going to say to him.

you seriously acting like a child."

And then Tommy lost his fucking mind and becoming a raging child.

Techno chuckled while Philza sighed and joins the laughter, while Tommy continuing protesting that he's' not a child.

"Thanks, Techno." Ghostbur thanked Techno for stopping this stupid, idiotic argument.

As for the kid stood there and watching all the laughter between everyone in the room. His eye glanced at almost everyone and seeing their faces of enjoyment.

"Happy...family?" he mumbled to himself.

____________{Time Skips}____________
"So you telling me that this guy name Nightmare threatened you and gave you his brother? How come this kid look like Dream, Techno?" questioned Philza, while supervising the young one (hugging Ghostbur tightly and doesn't like the attention he's getting now)

"No clue, though his older brother, Nightmare told me that he doesn't remember his name," Techno answered, crossed arms.

Ghostbur looked at Techno.
"Still he told me that he does remember his name." making the kid nodded with Ghostbur.

Tommy couldn't tell what is happening but he was most likely to be exceptional about this small kid. He crouched down to the kid's height and stare deeply, making the kid feel more uncomfortable.

"Tommy, please stop."

"I'm just curious though."

"You seriously making the kid feel uncomfortable."
I continued staring but mostly focusing on the innocent kid's creamy cyan-green full of crystal water which does kind of similar to Dream's eyes when he was in prison with him.

I continued staring but mostly focusing on the innocent kid's creamy cyan-green full of crystal water which does kind of similar to Dream's eyes when he was in prison with him.


"Hey, can you tell me your name?" As I raised a question to him, he looked at me as though innocent, pure eyes and slowly looking around while Phil, Techno and Ghostbur looked at him.
However, he muttered something.

"Can you say that again, mate?" Phil spoke.


________Words: 953________

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